I just saw this article on Facebook. I mean seriously there's a bunch of native american stuff piling up in the mainstream media. How is it not obvious to people that the Indians are in the World Series.
Sorry by the way, I have been meaning to make videos and post more stuff but haven't had the chance. I had a bunch of gigs this week that I had to get ready for which took a lot of time learning a bunch of songs I do not know for Halloween shows.
On top of that my girlfriend quit her job and started working a new one that's about 1/3 of the income she was bringing in. So I've been trying to find a job again too.
Anyway I just wanted to post this article as I thought it was funny. The guy in the video on the link seems to me to be acting too.
Bison Show up at Standing Rock Protest
In regards to the World Series I guess it's not over yet but it sure seems the Indians could possibly be winning. Possibly they are going to blow the 3-1 lead like the Warriors. I didn't even get to watch game 3 or 4 but in games 1 and 2 it sure seemed to be pointing towards the Indians winning it. My mind will be blown if the Indians do win and the Back to Back Championship stuff I mentioned forever truly was for Cleveland. Ha it will actually make so much sense as to why I was wrong with the NBA Finals.
Wild Bison=44, 107
We just got another Earthquake Story in Italy today as well.
Earthquake=44, 107
Cleveland Indians=67
I noticed that before these Earthquakes during the World Series, the last time Italy had an Earthquake in the media was August 24th.
The Indians lost to the A's 5-1 that day.
The A's were the team who swept the World Series in 1989 that had the Earthquake.
One last thought as I'm looking at the games played so far. I've stated that I wonder what the actual Curse of the Billy Goat is? It's not exactly clear as to what it is.
Cubs to never "Make" the WS again?
Cubs to never "Win" the WS again?
I also read somewhere that the Curse was that the Cubs will never win another WS game at Wrigley.
If that is the case.....Interesting the only game they have won so far was in Cleveland and not at Wrigley.
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