Monday, February 10, 2025

Cousin Abe's Shop Burnt Down Today and the Eagles Connection-Cooper DeJean Scores TD-Father Symbolism-Samuel L. Jackson in Halftime Show, Snake Theme

 I went to my parents to watch the Super Bowl. They were telling me how my cousin Abe's Shop and Farm Equipment started on fire and burnt to the ground. I find this crazy, because he was sortve part of the Eagles symbolism from 2017 that I was following. Search the above post to understand what I'm saying. 

Recall that my Uncle Barney died from a car wreck in 2017 near Odebolt, where Cooper DeJean grew up. The High school is the Falcons. The Falcons then lost in the Super Bowl that year. He also gave me the Dan Marino jersey, and I had been following the Simpsons with Donald Trump. The only Simpsons episode with Dan Marino involved the Falcons in Super Bowl 33.....But then on 2/11/2017, just after the Falcons lost in the Super Bowl, I went to my grandma's house on EAGLE Street. The other people there were my sister and my uncle Clancy. I learned that day that my sister owns a company called Eagles Acres, and she lives on Falcon Avenue. I later started thinking about that happening and started connecting the dots in relations to the Eagles for Super Bowl 52. I  pointed out how my Uncle Clancy's son, Ryan, was the only Philadelphia Eagles fan I know and what not....Then my Grandma ended up dying before the Eagles won SB 52, and my Uncle Clancy died just after SB 52....and my sisters town was featured in a SB 52 Commercial. The town named after a guy who was famous for writing a book called "The Birds of America"(Eagle). Then a month later, a girl from my sisters town drowned in Sioux Falls, SD, and the last person to drown in that spot was Lyle Eagle Tail. We also had the Stoneman Douglas EAGLES shooting just after SB 52, and my cousin Ryan lived a half hour from Stoneman Douglas at the time. 

Cooper DeJean was also born in Sioux Falls, and now he gets a Pick 6 in the Super Bowl this year lol. 

Anyway, the same day that I went to my Grandma's(2/11/2017), I had also went a B-Day party later that night. It was for my cousin Abe's wife in Beebeetown, Iowa. My sisters company was also somehow related to my cousin Abe's company at one point. I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was like side contracted through my cousins or something of the sort. 

So now my cousin Abe's Shop burns down on the same day the Eagles win the Super Bowl again? You just can't make it up. Let alone, Cooper DeJean getting a Pick 6 in the game. 

My cousin Abe's name also sums to 184(FB). 

184 makes me think of the FATHER Symbolism, and his father Chuck has Gematria of 222(FB), another number with the FATHER symbolism. 

Super Bowl 59 is 2 months 2 days, or 61 days before my dads bday. 



Cooper DeJean turned 22 years old today. 

Chiefs scored 22 points. 

2017 was the year I started pointing out the FATHER Symbolism too. It was mostly in relation to the Catholic Church/Priests though. 

Catholic=141(FB)(The 141st Composite is 184)

Catholic Church=184(FB)

Recall that my town got a new priest earlier this year named Father DANso. 

It makes me wonder if there's something to Pope Francis or Father Fitzgerald that I've blogged about a lot. 

Another funny thing was that Samuel L. Jackson was in the Halftime performance with Kendrick Lamar. I knew there had to be a Snakes on a Plane connection and there it was. 

Notice his bday is a span of 316 days after SB 59. 
The plane crash on the first day of the Year of the Snake leaving Wichita, which is the 316 area code. 

316 the big number I've followed in relation to this Super Bowl. 

Samuel L. Jackson=87
Kendrick Lamar=87
Philadelphia Eagles=87
Jalen Hurts born on 8/7. 

Recall that Samuel L. Jackson was also in the film "Black SNAKE Moan" that came out in 2006, the same year as "Snakes on a Plane." 
Black Snake Moan had Justin Timberlake, who was the halftime performer of Super Bowl 52. 

In relation to the FATHER Symbolism. 
Howard Fitzgerald=87
It went back to a synchronicity I had with the 87th episode of South Park about Catholic Priests. 
Red Hot Catholic Love=87(Episode title). 

UNCLE Sam.....

Remember that my girlfriends UNCLE died before SB 52 as well...then her Grandma died days before the Eagles lost to the Chiefs in SB 57. 
I'll look at this stuff more tomorrow, but figured I'd post my bet slip too, showing that I actually did bet on the Eagles. 
I've actually been killing the NBA lately too. 2/5/25 was insane as I noticed that a bunch of teams could become 25-25, and they all did, so I hit a $510 Parlay off $20. We'll see if I continue to get lucky. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Synchronicity at Work With Eagles-Chiefs-The 9 and 5 Synchronicity- Gambling Theme


I was at work this morning talking about the plane crashes and how they are synced to the Super Bowl. I mostly talked about the Eagles stuff, and the new plane crash in Brazil where the Eagles played their first game of the season.

Anyway, just before my co-worker Patty's left, she had a spammed text message. Something about meeting her the the Eagles Nest Hotel and it even had the number 22 in the address lol.

I told her it was funny as  Eagles=22.

I also remember Patty's had a post on Facebook about seeing an Eagle after her dad died, and later after her sister, Betty, had died. Her sister was my aunt Betty who was married to my Uncle Barney.

Funny thing though, is that Patty's was wearing a Kansas City Chiefs shirt today.

So I figured I'd look up how far away Patty's bday is from today.

172 days before and 193 days after.

Kansas City Chiefs=172
Patty's name sums to 193(FB)

After I typed in Patty's name, I typed in Philadelphia Eagles, except for some reason my autocorrect put it as "Philadelpha Eagles" which is missing the "i".

But it's funny because

Philadelpha Eagles=193(FB)

My aunt Betty also died just before the Chiefs won the Super Bowl in 2020.

Today is also 141 days after Betty's bday.
Patty's name also sums to 141.

141st Composite is 184.

184 big Father symbolism number, which all goes back to when the Eagles won SB 52.
And look at my blog post about the death of my Aunt Betty lol. I talked all about the EAGLE symbolism and Kobe Bryant.

Recall that Betty won the $250,000 on a scratch ticket not long after her husband went and saw the Pope.

I'm pointing this out, because I've been seeing the number 9 all over again. Remember last year, I won $10,000 all connected to the number 9 and the Father Symbolism that involved Super Bowl 52.


The missing letter in Philadelpha.

Oddly enough, I won a total of $1,600 in the last two days as well. I was on a terrible losing streak until that too. I won 800 on Chumba, 600 on McLuck, and 200 at the Onawa Casino.

I first won the 800 on Chumba, on the Hypernova game that I won the 10 Grand on too.

I only went to Onawa, because I got pulled over 3 weeks ago, and didn't have my insurance card. It was also out in the hills and I couldn't get on the internet to find it. So I had to go to the courthouse to prove it. I then figured since I had just won the night before, and I get a free meal, I might as well go for a bit. 

I'm bringing this up, because my dad hit 10 Grand on a machine last year, and considering all of the recent synchronicity, I thought I should play that machine. I didn't really win on it, but I checked the Gematria of it..

Moon Race=184(FB)

How fitting that my dad would win on that machine lol.
 And remember my nephew won 10 grand on a scratch ticket he got for Christmas last year(2023). His name also sums to 184, and he is important to the Eagle symbolism.

My mom also just won $13,200 at the Onawa Casino on 1/31/25. She won on the drawing they had and not on an actual machine...She won $15,000 on a drawing on 9/22/2018 in Onawa as well. What I find funny is that the day she recently won, I woke up with a crazy Gout attack. I could barely walk, so I just drove to the Doctors office, as I had to DJ later that night, and another gig the next day. Can't carry all the equipment if I can't walk.....but I've only been to the doctor 3 times in the last pry 20 years. I went in 2023 for Gout, and then the time before was 9/22/2018, the same day my mom won years ago...
Even more odd is that in the blog post where I talked about me going to the hospital, and my mom winning in 2018, I also talked about my mom's missing cat. The missing cat thing involved my aunt Betty.
Even more odd that I recently looked at this same old blog post on 2/4/25. Somehow I got on a story about my old cat at work, and for the life of me, I can't remember the cats name. I knew it's mom was Cuddles, and I found this post. I still never figured out the cat I was talking abouts name though. None of my family remembers the name of that cat either. I thought for sure Claire would know, but she didn't.

I know it's a lot, but I personally understand what I am talking about lol. It's all connected in the strangest way. All seems to go back to the Eagles symbolism too, except for Patty's Chiefs shirt and bday separation. 

Regardless, it's crazy that it connects to both teams.

Im just gonna add this to the post as well. I had a string of synchronicity with the number 5 a bit ago.

I looked over at the sink and it looked like a number 5 in soap.
A few minutes after that, i went to the cooler to grab another pizza. I noticed that someone put the pizzas in the wrong order and had been using the newer made pizzas instead of the older dated ones. I went to reorganize them and the first one I grabbed had a number 5 on it, meaning it was from February 5th.

I then got on my phone and watched some videos. There was some weird Wheel of Fortune video and I wanted to read the comments. Of course, the first comment mentions how they watched it 5 times. 

So we'll see if I keep getting syncs with it.

Might as well add this too lol, I was gonna end this post and I just noticed my phone is at 9 percent. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Airplane Missing Over Alaska-Josh Hartnett Synchronicity


It's crazy lol. Earlier when I blogged about the Kobe Bryant Snake stuff, I re-looked up Black Hawk Down. I saw that Josh Hartnett was the main character in the film and wondered if something may happen in Alaska. I wish I would've blogged about it now. 

The reason is that the other day CNN had this story about Trump and Alaska in relation to the Environment. 

When I think of Josh Hartnett, I usually think of either "The Faculty" or the film "30 Days of Night," which is about vampires in Alaska. 

Further, he is also in "Pearl Harbor" and recall how Pearl Harbor happened during a Snake year, and think about Hawaii and Alaska. 

So now we are getting a story about a missing plane over Alaska. It was last seen a 3:16 P.M.? Recall how 316 is important to the other plane crashes with Wichita being the 316 area code and such. 
Considering "The Faculty" is about aliens, and this plane was on it's way to NOME, Alaska, it makes me wonder if the film "The Fourth Kind" is related to this? 
This story even comes a span of 166 days after Josh Hartnett's bday. 

Josh Hartnett=166

He shares a bday with Zach...and 166 always makes me think of the Umbrella symbolism. 

7/21 is also the day Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon after the EAGLE landed. 

I have to get up real early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed, but had to post a bit first. I'll try and look more at it tomorrow though. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Kobe Bryant and the Snake Year Symbolism


I've never watched this film, but something sparked my brain that it may be related to the plane crash on the first day of the Snake year.

I then started thinking how it crashed into the helicopter. I knew it had to be synced to Kobe Bryant and Philadelphia, but it makes more sense in relation to Kobe being the Black Mamba(Snake).

Kobe tore his achilles in 2013 during a Snake year. Then turned against the Raptors, the team he scored 81 against.

Remember Kobe's FATHER also died in July and they reported it in National Snake Day.

Recall LeBron broke Kobe's scoring record the day before he died in Philadelphia, and then went and stood on the Snake logo.

Of course, Snake is associated with Satan, who is also linked to 666.

Kobes 81 points on his 666th game.

Eagles could become 666-666.

Philadelphia and 666 come from Revelation.

Chiefs won SB after Kobe died. 

Snake also makes me think of Ouroborus...death and rebirth.

It's funny too as all day O keep seeing things that make me think about Kobe Bryant.
This box with wash clothes has 824 on it.

For some reason I have an alarm set for idea why or when I set this.

Also, and obituary thing on the door for Sherry Buss, which makes me think of Lakers owner, Jerry Buss, who died 1 month 26 days before Kobe tore his achilles in the 2013 Snake year.
Think about Kobe's achilles in relation to Genesis 3:15 as well. You will strike his HEEL.

Trump also did airstrikes on Somalia just after the plane crashed into the Black Hawk...reminding us of the film Black Hawk Down where the helicopter gets shot down in Somalia.

Notice that film came out in the Year of the Snake.

Might have to watch Snakes on a Plane lol. Wouldn't doubt it there some symbolism in it.

I also have a bunch of posts about Trump saying he was Batman in a helicopter at the Iowa State Fair all related back to Kobe..not sure how it fits in, but I feel like there is something to it..

A lot of syncs to Philadelphia all year though..I'm still betting on Eagles.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Isaac Rochell Retires From NFL-Eagles Landing

I got a notification a bit ago about Isaac Rochell retiring from the NFL at age 29.

Think about the Super Bowl and the connection to 29.

This guy also played at Notre Dame who just lost in the stadium the Super Bowl is held.

Notre Dame also important to the Eagle LANDING on a Fan.

Notice Isacc Rochell went to High School at EAGLES LANDING.

He also announced this on 2/2.

I wonder whatever happened to the Garth Brooks sex allegations?


Synchronicity with FATHER Symbolism and 624 Watching Simple Truth TV's Livestream with The Illusion-Volcano?


I'm sitting here and figured I would listen to this livestream with Simple Truth and The Illusion from 2/2/25. 

As I'm listening, The Illusion starts telling us how "The Illusion"=144 and he has a bday on 14/4, which is also his FATHER's bday. 

He then goes on to say that he lives in the area where the dialing code is 624 lol. And 6X24=144...and his favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi who was born on 6/24. 

Just can't make it up..
624 important to the Father Symbolism. 

The Illusion's real name is Adam Edwards. 

Adam Edwards=184(FB)
Once again a big number with the FATHER Symbolism. 
This synchronicity comes 69 days before his bday. 

Adam Edwards=69
Dennis Behrendt=69

What else I find interesting is that Adam loves soccer. When I was younger and went to Hawaii, it was because my sister was on a soccer team called "The Illusions" that played a tournament in Hawaii. So maybe there is something important to that...I did just talk about the coaches son a few days ago. I haven't seen him in years, but someone said he was in town I guess. 

My sister important to the Eagles symbolism. 
I just tried finding any info on that old soccer team, and some Dunlap EAGLES team comes up in the search lol. 

I didn't think I would find much as that soccer team and trip was in the early 2000's....I can never remember what year, but I wasn't old enough to drink yet. 

Today is the 35th day. 
Just thinking about Kobe Bryant born on Vulcanalia and an Eagles fan...
A video of Mt. St. Helens erupting also came up on my Facebook at work today. 

Remember back in June I was talking about the Father symbolism in relation to my Uncle in Seattle and Volcanos too. 

My Tua Jersey synchronicities were also linked to the Father symbolism...Tua..Hawaii..

I can't even finish this livestream, I gotta get some sleep lol...but wasn't expecting a synchronicity with FATHER and 624 watching this video. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Zach's Livestream with American FATHERS and the Father Symbolism-Dream


I just went to YouTube and my homepage showed that Zach was doing a Livestream. I clicked on it as I saw the title said something about "FATHERS," and recall that I have been following the symbolism with FATHER for a while now. Joseph Acquaviva also added me on Facebook recently, so I was thinking how his FATHER was born on 2/4, which is the anniversary of Super Bowl 52(Eagles). 
I have blog posts on this FATHER symbolism and I also talk about it in the last video that I put on YouTube. 

Anyway, how funny is it that the guy Zach is doing the Livestream with has a bday on 6/24? Recall how this date and the number 624 is something I've been following with the FATHER theme for years. 
Just search "Father 624" on the blog and tons of posts will come up. 

Further, this Livestream comes 141 days before his bday. 

American Fathers=141

141st Composite is 184. 

Dennis Behrendt=141(My Father)

Recall that 184 is another big number with the FATHER symbolism that I have followed lol. 
Also funny that the post where I found this guys bday says he is in San Diego. The MLB team in San Diego is the PADRES, which means FATHER. 

American Fathers=316(FB)

316 another big number that goes along with this theme lol..Just can't make it up. 
Notice how 141 days is also 4 months 21 days. 

Recall that Zach's father was born 4 months 21 days before his mother. 
Timothy Steven Hubbard=421(Composite)
Zachary Keefe Hubbard=421(FB)

Zach made the video about Joseph Acquaviva and Mark Passio's FATHERS 4 months 21 days after my Father's bday. 

Mark Passio=421(Jewish)

I also pointed out how Zach made that video 3 months 16 days before Pope Francis' bday(FATHER). Also, how Mark Passio's father died 4 months 21 days after Pope Francis' bday. 

So much more as this all stems back to the same assassination symbolism with the Stock Market/Pope Francis/Aleister Crowley. Zach synced to Aleister Crowley in relation to PRINCE dying on 4/21. 

What else I find interesting is that today is 2/3. Recall that last year on 2/3 I had the Dream about getting all number 9's on the slot machine Hypernova, and then 9 days later I won 10 Grand on it. So much to explain to this, but it was also linked to the Father symbolism and a Dream I had after Super Bowl 52 that was 9 days before the FIU Bridge Collapse. This later tied in to how I found out about the Trump assassination attempt right next to where the Psychic's husband died, which I also had a Dream about in High School. 
I think this Dream theme is important further, because Netflix recommended this TV show when I first got on my computer tonight. 

The show is called "MO." 
Recall that in 2022, MO was an important piece to NELLY and the DREAM Symbolism with the Angel Gabriel. 

I also find it interesting that the Super Bowl falls on 2/9 this year. Last year I had the synchronicity with the #9 Flash Card on 2/9, just as I was sitting down to watch the film "The Nines." 

Then the Super Bowl had the DREAM Commerical and one with the band "NINE Days." This all went back to the Father/Bridge Symbolism from after Super Bowl 52. 

I'm gonna pay attention to the Bridge collapse/Building Collapse symbolism now just seems that a lot of the happenings around SB 52 may be important...

Stoneman Douglas.
FIU Bridge Collapse
Market Meltdown
East Coast Earthquake

I'm adding this just before 10pm on 2/3, but I just remembered that I had a dream in the early hours of 2/2 that I won $3,500 at the Casino in Onawa. I went yesterday with my parents and I saw the number 35 a million times lol, but never won crap. I also kept seeing numbers that I associate with the Eagles such as 336 and 29. I then moved on the a China Fireball machine and won some of my money back. I only played it because..."China"=35

I'm mentioning this because tomorow will be the 35th day of the year. 

Think about the assassination attempt narrative and how JFK was the 35th president. I'm mentioning this, because I remember in my dream after I won $3,500, I  explained to my parents the number 35 was synced to JFK.
Lee Harvey Oswald's bday 35 days before 11/22. 
JFK Jr=35
JFK Jr. died 35 years later. 

Also, recall how tomorrow will be 316 days before Pope Francis' bday. 
He became Pope on 3/13...the 65th prime is 313. 
He finished his trip to America in Philadelphia on the Jesuit anniversary.  
Lincoln Financial.
Lincoln assassinated with a Philadelphia Derringer. 
He gave a speech in Philadelphia with Lincoln's Gettysburg address Lectern. 

Lincoln had the Dream about his assassination. 

Pope Francis is also 88 years old. 
Recall Super Bowl 52 was all about the number 88 and the Stock Market. 

Pope Francis=59
Super Bowl 59? 

2/5/25 seems interesting too. 
25% Tariffs
So on.