This is great stuff. Charlie Sheen offers to throw the first pitch of the World Series. I knew it was connected to the movie Major League because they kept foreshadowing 2005 which in turn showed us the Michael Jordan connection to 1994 and much more.
The Movie Major Leauge II came out in 1994 and is 105 minutes long.
If Indians win the WS this year they will have 105 wins.
A lot of great stuff people have pointed out to me as well. The post I made a while back showing Dill899 He even talks about the song "Wild Thing" and how it came out on the 112th day of the year, which was also Terry Francona's bday.
112th World Series.
They don't tell us who wins the WS in the film, but what I find interesting is that they start playing better after the Red Sox, then they clinch the Division after beating the Blue Jays, then they beat the Chicago White Sox to make the WS. So does that mean they are going to beat Chicago in this year's WS? I'm waiting to see what comes of the curse of the Billy Goat. Eventually they have to show what the exact curse is on TV I would think. If the Curse is broken by the Cubs making the WS, I think the Indians are beating them. I also wonder if they are faking us out a bit just like the NBA Finals in which most people thought for sure the Warriors were winning and then Cleveland wins.
Something I just realized right now is the if you total the regular season wins of Indians and Cubs it's 94+103=197.
Prince=197(Jewish) This has been a big number all year and the death of Prince on the 112th day is super fitting.
Lebron=197(Jewish) Remember he was Prince for Halloween last year in 2015.
The number 103 was also around the Cavaliers a whole bunch as well. They won on their 103rd game of the season. There was a bunch of 1:03 videos with Lebron. James McAdoo's bday was on 1/4 which was 103 days after 9/23 and Cavs beat Toronto becoming 23-9. So much more.
Anderson Varejao's nickname is Wild Thing.
Anderson Varejao=162=Major League Baseball
He wore # 18 with the Warriors and didn't play for the Warriors until 18 days after they picked him up.
Varejao even picked up by the Warriors on 2/22 last year which was 147 days after his bday. (World Series)...He's super connected but need to find out the whole purpose....He was even picked up to replace the Injured "Festus Ezeli"=48, 57, 148(Cleveland Indians)
A bunch of 31 around Varejao as well. Picked up by Warriors 31 days after Blatt was fired. He was picked up to replace # 31 Ezeli who missed 31 games. Varejao played 31 games with the Cavs before being traded. Varjeao's 1st game with the Warriors was 11 games after Ezeli was out...11th prime is 31...
August 8th or 10/8 is normally the 222nd day of the year. It's Rocky Colavito's bday, and the day Lou Boudreau dies on Rocky's 67th bday.
Varejao's first game back after tearing his Achilles was the Cavs opener last year against CHICAGO.
Interesting though if Cubs win they win with 114 wins.
Lebron James=114
Billy Goat=103
Curse of Rocky Colavito=103
The World Series begins 66 days before Lebron James Bday.
If it goes to Game 7 and ends on 11/2 it will be 1 month 28 days before Lebron James bday. I mention this in regards to the Trevor Bauer 128 stuff.
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