I just saw this story on Zachary K Hubbards blog, I just want to add a few things to it.
So we get a naked statue of Hillary Clinton now just like we were getting with Donald Trump back in August.
Anyway some lady was getting all mad about this Hillary Statue and they say her name is "Nancy".
World Series=57
The reason that sticks out so much is because look where it says Nancy works.....National Museum of the American INDIAN.
Bowling Green=131
The statue was outside of the Bowling Green Subway Station.
Another thing of interest to note.
Hillary Clinton=73
Los Angeles Dodgers=73
But Hillary also born in Chicago lol once again leaving it up for discussion.
Hillary the 67th Secretary of State. (Indians)
The story comes 61 days after the Donald Trump Statue Story.
Forty Eight=61
Donald Trump=48
Trump Statue=48
Indians haven't won since 48'.
The statue also depicted her having demon like Goat legs which reminds me of the Curse of the Billy Goat.
Wow, National Museum of the American Indian is almost too much man haha... this is dill899 btw. It was created because of the National Museum of the American Indian Act that was enacted on November 28th, 1989 the the day that leaves 33 left in the year it was created by Daniel Inouye who died while he was 88 and was the 2nd longest serving Senator only to Robert BYRD. He was from Hawaii the 33rd state. Nancy is a hebrew name which means Grace. Definitely a weird story.