Indians win 6-0 today.
Remember the Curse of Rocky Colavito came from the trade on the 108th day of 1960.
Which also this is the 57th season if you include this year and the 1960 season.
This guy was the MVP of the 1948 WS, but later he was also the Coach of the Cubs for only 1 season in 1960.
The 1960 WS was won by the Pirates who the Cubs tied the day of the Hoboken train crash. Interesting though the 1960 WS says it was 1 of 2 exceptions in regards to the Ex-Cub Factor. No team with 3 or more Ex-Cubs (since the Curse of the Billy goat) on their team has won except for 1960 and 2001.
Ex-Cub factor=46=Chicago=Chicago Cubs
1960 was also the 57th World Series.
Interesting too the Yankees lost in both 1960 and 2001 World Series.
I also noticed the Cubs have only won the 4th and 5th WS. The Curse was in 45'.
The Indians won in 1948 but it was the 45th WS.
In regards to 6 also the Indians have been in 5 WS, so if they make it this year it would be 6.
Notice their record as well..2-3.
So if they win the WS this year it would be 3-3
I was looking at the All Time records for teams in the World Series as well.
If the Red Sox do somehow comeback and make the World Series, I highly doubt they will win it. Even just the next time the make the WS they will lose.
They are 8-4 right now.
Red Sox=85
The World Series also begins on 10/25 that leaves 67 days in the year.
Cleveland Indians=67
I didn't take a screen shot because my DVR is all messed up but during the Cubs game they showed teams who haven't won and how many seasons. They showed the Cubs at 107 although it's been 108 years and the Indians at 67 although it's been 68 years.
I loved how today # 6 for the Indians scored the 6th run in the 6th inning as well.
Interesting HR numbers as well. 9 This season and 23 career.
He also is tied for the MLB single game record of being hit by a pitch with 3 times. He's the last person this has happened to as well with the last time being the day Prince died on the 112th day.
Prophecy=666(Jewish) Prince all about Prophecy.
Lol sigh. Hey Genius Why don't you look at the amount of days from the Postponed Indians Vs Sox game to 8/15. 131 days. 3-2 score. Sox will come back to win 3-2. Terry was a Boston Red Sox meaning the connection is still there. I have this documented for a video but the Giants are very interesting. You can make a case for any team which makes this difficult.