We got a story about the HMS Terror ship has been found after 168 years today.
First off the name is very fitting for Terror.
New York City=168 attacked by TERRORists.
The ship was British though and the numbers seem to show it's connected to the Royal Family.
Queen Elizabeth II=168
Also notice they found it in 80 Feet of Water.
King Charles=80
HMS Terror=134=King Charles III
Notice too it has Jewish Gematria of 523 a signficant number we've mentioned this year.
Flight 804 going missing as well on May 19th which is normally the 139th day of the year.
Today is 13/9.
Today is 117 days after Flight 804 as well.
Notice the ship was abandoned on 4/22/48.
Charles I died in the year 48.
Charles II=48
Prince Charles born in 48'.
Also today is 4 months 22 days after 4/22.
The ship even fought in the Battle of Baltimore that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the "Star Spangled Banner".
I mean seriously think about that in regards to Kaepernick and the media going crazy on it. I mean seriously the Battle even started exactly 202 years ago.
Francis Key=48, 111
He even dies on 1/11.
Also mentions the captain was John Sheridan.
John Sheridan=62
Notice he died in the year 62'.
Francis Scott Key=62
Just want to point out we've got a few other stories today that have 62...."Chelsea Manning"=62, "Adam LaMarque Jones"=62.
Today is 62 days before Prince Charles Bday so most likely why.
Transgendered=134=King Charles III(Chelsea)
Bradley Manning=139 too. (Chelsea real name today is 13/9).
Sex Reassignment=197=Prince
White Man's Sport=65=Prince (Adam Jones).
Adam Jones also born on 8/1 like Francis Scott Key.
Baltimore Orioles=188=Francis Scott Key(Jones team)
Jones is bringing up the National Anthem theme too, I mean once again interrelating these stories.
Of Course Francis Scott Key died in Baltimore too.
Orioles=39, 93=White Man
Jones wears # 10. ..."Ten"=39=Adam
Notice today is also 43 days after Jones bday.
Remember Baltimore is where the First Death of the Civil War was.
Civil War=43 it began in "Charleston"=43
Francis Scott Key died in the year 43'.
Also 1 month 12 days..
White Mans=112
Today is also 1 month 12 days before the 112th WS.
The Term "White Man" also reminds me a lot of something a Native American would say more than and African American. Possibly another clue to the Indians which I have mentioned possibly being in the WS this year.
National Anthem=147=World Series
Notice the Orioles won today with a score of 6-3 giving Boston their 63rd loss of the season too.
Francis Scott Key died age 63.
Native American=63
Interesting as Key and Jones bday is 8/1 and Red Sox stay on 81 wins.
Today the only games that had an 8-1 score were the Tigers losing to Minnesota and Indians losing to White Sox.
The Cubs lost 4-2 42 days before the WS as well.
Cubs and Indians both cursed in connection to Detroit as well.
Eighty One=54, 108
In regards to Houston I noticed Francis Scott Key was also the lawyer for Sam Houston(Houston named after). Houston beat up William Stanberry after he accused him of supplying rations to Indians. I mean really? Plus it involved Andrew Jackson who is going to be replaced by Harriet Tubman on the $20.
I've been saying for a while there is a native american theme and I just keep finding it.
Houston arrested on the 108th day of 1832 as well. (Cubs stuff)
Harriet Tubman=150, 60=Lincoln, Nebrasaka
Indian Removal Act=71, 161(Nebraska, American Civil War).
It also reminds me of the Keystone Pipeline that is supposed to go through a bunch of indian reservations. (just talked about Keystone in regards to Foltz Bro being robbed).
We just got a story now on 9/14 too about Polar Bears trapping Scientists in the Arctic. The HMS Terror was found in the Arctic. Not sure of the signficance but I'm guessing something going on with it.
Arctic=54, 27
Polar Bears=107, 44=Earthquake
More to look into but interesting how these stories interrelated. There's got to be more connected to the Royal Family in this story as well that I'm not seeing.
King George III became King on 10/25. Which is interesting because the 112th WS begins on that day.
He also died age 81 on 1/29. If you look at the first picture I posted in this post it said 129 men died on the HMS Terror.
Queen Victoria also died age 81 and she was Queen when they abandoned the ship in 1848. She became Queen age 18.
She ruled for 63 years. She died in 1901 the same year William McKinley died. McKinley born on 1/29.
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