Virginia does go on and win the NCAA championship tonight. It's funny as I wasn't sure if it was connected to Duke or Virginia back in February but I knew Virginia was important. Think about what the synchronicity was showing me though? It was all about Lil Bow Wow/Kurtis Blow and the song "Basketball"....then Virginia goes on to win the Championship.
I also mentioned how Virginia was synced up to the Royal Family/Earthquake/Bridge keep this in mind for the rest of 2019.
Plus the Royal stuff is big with the "Ralph" theme and Virginia's alum is Ralph Sampson.
Something I'm just now seeing...
Ralph Sampson=152
Duke Blue Devils=152
Possibly could have helped the confusion.
The Ralph stuff connected to Chattanooga and on 1/27 I even documented about the killer Dakota Theriot being caught in Virginia. "Virginia"=127... In that post I mentioned possibly we will get something with Chattanooga...then we got the bridge collapse on 4/1....
Remember Virginia is where the BRIDGEWATER shooting was in which the bottom of the screen said. "Franklin Bridgewater" and a headline of a Pennsylvania Nascar guy's the whole reason I started pointing out the Bridge stuff in regards to the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia. That supposed shooter Vester Flanagan was from San Francisco. He also died in FALLS Church, Virginia. Think about the recent mosque attack in Christchurch that was synced to the Cliff Collapse in 2016.
Moneta means "Money" and "Memory"(comes from Goddess of Memory).
Makes me think of the Stock Market...reminder?
Also in regards to Virginia losing last year to the Baltimore,Maryland team it stands out to me with the Maryland News shooting of last year.
The game was at the Spectrum in Charlotte too.
Remember Allen Iverson(Philadelphia) played high school in Hampton(Virginia) which is the team Tony Bennett collapsed against in 2016.
Also remember Roy Williams Collapsed this year reminding us of Tony Bennett.
The last biggest earthquake east of the Rockies was also in Mineral, Virginia...the 5.8.....58 and 85 the big earthquake numbers....makes me wonder since Virginia just won with 85 points.
I've talked about the Philadelphia Earthquake/Bridge stuff in regards to Happy Gilmore as well....In the film he falls in love with VIRGINIA Venit.
Moneta, Virginia Video
Youtube took down my other video about the Moneta Shooting, but the one I have up still I mention how the Hwy was's connected to Prince Charles/Pope Francis...he supposedly shot it up because of the CHARLESton Church Shooting...then dies in Falls Church...Charleston is where the biggest recorded East Coast Earthquake was in 1886 as well.
Ha looking at it now...the Rd is Hwy 122 also known as Booker T. Washington Hwy..
San Francisco=122=Declaration of Independence=Liberty Bell
Booker T. Washington=811(satanic)
It's also interesting that I put that video out on 8/27 in which I documented about last night with Kofi the video I talk about W.E.B. Dubois wanting to attack in regards to Civil Rights which was the opposite of how Booker wanted to do it...
The reason I even mention this is because WEB Dubois died on 8/27 and he died in Ghana....If you look up Kofi Kingston he is actually from Ghana, but his character was from Jamaica until 2009. He now is billed from Ghana.
The Moneta shooting also a lot to do with Batman...remember 8/10 is important to Trump and the Iowa State Fair saying he was Batman.
The Dark Knight Rises=310(FB)
Also thinking about the Joaquin Phoenix Joker movie..
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