I got a random comment on my old video about the Earling, Iowa Exorcism earlier today. It's just strange as I recently mentioned this in a video, but I never put it in the title. Now I'm getting a message on this old video.
I don't know this person, but I do recognize the last name being in the area. I can't find them on Facebook or Google however. I can't find who the mayor is online, but I can easily find this out tomorrow at work.
Also the comment is just telling me what I already talked about in the video haha. I know the lady's alias was Anna Ecklund...so it makes me wonder if this person even watched the video.
That Tiger picture also sticks out in regards to my recent LION stuff. Tiger Woods...Think about Napoleon Dynamite and the LIGER half Lion/Tiger.
In the mix of this I found a guy that lives..or lived in Earling, Iowa who says he was in the MK Ultra program and more at Offut Air Force base.....On his blog he claims the City of Earling is targeting him after his interview with Lift the Veil....Makes this guy seem fishy right away. He says he grew up in a family of Satanists as well which is interesting he would move to Earling...where this famous exorcism took place. Possibly he explains this somewhere, I haven't taken the time to look.
I'm just amazed that I have never heard of this guy until now, especially being in my area...he does look like I've seen him before but I'm really not sure.
Today also 123 days before 8/18 which is the date I put the video out in 2016...also the date the exorcism supposedly began in 1928.
Earling=66, 123
Joseph Steiger=66
St. Josephs Parish=66
Also 4 months 1 days...
The main priest died in the year 41'.
Earling located on 41N.
Sixty Six=41
Emma first showed signs age 14...Fourteen=41
Funny right as I typed Fourteen the TV said "Fourteen"..it was a Bow Flex commercial.
Remember this happened at the FRANCISCAN Convent as well...I just wonder in regards to letting me know her dad is the MAYOR is important to London Breed?
It's been 90 years since this exorcism until 8/18/19.
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