I just got home from a long day of working and going to my nephews bday party. I sit down and I see a few interesting stories on the top of CNN....The family who drove over the Cliff was synced to Bret/Owen Hart and I saw earlier a fan rushed the stage for Bret Hart's speech tonight.
Also a top story about Saturday Night Live?
Right as I see this story I hear the TV say "Fuck a DUCK". The film Inglorius Basterds is on...I couldn't catch it with a picture so I filmed it and took a screenshot with my phone.
Remember Bret Hart trained Mark Henry who supposedly knew a victim in the Austin bombing. The Austin bomber caught because of his PINK gloves.
Remember last year Mark Henry and GOLDBERG were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame for Wrestlemania 34.
Goldberg was a Tag Team Champion with Bret Hart..
Also Owen Hart died 99 days after the St. Valentines Day Massacre on 5/23(99th prime) where he beat Mark Henry...."Cliff"=99...Owen died at the PPV called "Over the Edge". His character was the BLUE Blazer which is why the family that went over the cliff was wearing all BLUE.
Owen is the reason Stone Cold had to retire....Steve AUSTIN.
Mark Anthony Conditt=99
Remember how the Austin Bomber and the Mail bomber are important together. They gave us the connection to the Ides of March in which we got the shooting in New Zealand this year.
In regards to CLIFFS...remember on Valentines day in 2016 there was a CLIFF Collapse in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Also last year the Ides of March we got the bridge collapse on the 44th mayor of San Francisco's 44th bday...He became mayor 4 months 4 days before the anniversary of teh GG Bridge opening. "Earthquake"=44...it's why London Breed and Hulk Hogan share the bday of 8/11.
Mark Antony died on 8/1...the big bridge number..
Donald Trump=523(satanic)..99th prime...He got a Stone Cold Stunner from Steve Austin in 2007...the year of the Minnesota Bridge Collapse on 8/1.
Last year we got a school shooting just before the Austin Bomber killed himself in Maryland...by the kid named Austin Wyatt Rollins reminding us of WWE.
Later that year we got the News in Maryland shot up reminding us of Roddy Piper's death and the film "They Live". Just before his death Disturbed released a music video that mimicked "They Live"....then we got the News reporter shot up known as the BRIDGEWATER shooting.
Piper's death all about Philadelphia/Earthquake/Ronda Rousey joining on the Royal Rumble(Earthquake/Royal Family).
That's why the Maryland news story was at 888 BestGATE Rd.
Royal Rumble=888 and 527(GG bridge date)
Triple H or 888 fought Rousey at WM 34 because of what happened in San Francisco at WM 31.
Today is 4 months 4 days before 8/10.
Remember Hulk Hogan got his revenge against Earthquake at Summer Slam in Philadelphia. This year Summer Slam falls on 8/11 in Toronto.
There's so much I could type again.....Stone Cold's last match before he had surgery was on Prince Charles Bday...5/23 to his bday is 5 months 23 days. Remember Elizabeth became the longest reigning Monarch on 9/9 which is why the film Sully came out on 9/9 and why we got the story of the Saudi Arabian girls dead in the Hudson around the time of Khashoggi's death. Then George Bush died and they made a big deal about his dog named "Sully".
It's all about Earthquakes/Royal Family.....The Greatest Royal Rumble....Crown ...I'm anxious to see what happens at Wrestlemania 35.
Let's look at the SNL thing now..
Jason Sudeikis=310(Franc Baconis)
Notice he is the nephew of George Wendt who play NORM on CHEERS?
What's so funny is one of my best friends got his Nickname from NORM and also his dad being from Norman, Oklahoma.
Joel McCall=86, 516
He is the biggest WWE/Wrestling fan I know. He went to school to be a radio broadcaster in hopes of someday working for the WWE even. He currently lives in Minnesota.
George Wendt also a Superfan on SNL...da Bear/Bulls.
It's funny it says Sudeikis born in Fairfax, Virginia as well considering Virginia made the championship game tonight in connection to the Justin Fairfax story.
I'm going to pay attention to Oklahoma in the next few days. Remember they had an Earthquake that was felt in Iowa just hours after I documented about possibly getting an Earthquake because of the Sam Bradford trade/Bridgewater injury. It was a lot to do with the number 150 and "SNL"=150(Satanic and Jewish)
Plus my synchronicity at the bar Cheers was about 150.
The Ben Franklin Bridge was also important at that time.
Another reason why is the older lady at work yesterday out of nowhere showed me a picture of the Oklahoma border sign. It was strange as it had nothing to do with what we were talking about, and she out of nowhere wanted to show me that picture. I guess her and her husband missed their stop and ended up in Oklahoma or something of the sort.
We also have the anniversary of the Oklahoma city bombing coming up in April.
Also the OK City Thunder are playing the T-Wolves tonight and last night I heard the longest/loudest Thunder I have ever heard. So I feel like there is something I'm supposed to see with it.
I'm sure there is more to look at with these stories, but I am tired as hell. Hopefully I will get to look more at it tomorrow and make some videos before Wrestlemania begins.
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