I've documented numerous times how there is some type of connection to Zach and I. A lot of it had to do with the Angel Gabriel only talking to Zechariah, Daniel and Mary.
Anyway we are also very close in age and I figured I would see how far apart our bdays were.
Would you look at that?...I am 8 months 11 days older than Zach. Think about how he has been talking about the date August 11th 2019.
Also if you have followed me from way back I have mentioned the number 811 and the date of 8/11 being important. Clear back I used to talk about how 8X11=88. In 2015 I talked a lot about the date as it is Hulk Hogan's bday. It's all about the Earthquake narrative that is connected to Philadelphia. Funny too as it's also the day Robin Williams died in 2014. Robin Williams of course born on 7/21 which is Zach's bday....also the 202nd day of the year.
Dan Behrendt=202(reverse)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania=253...notice it's 253 days too.
Also Philadelphia, Pennsylvania=118....date of 11/8 or 8/11.
Robin Williams of course out of San Francisco...His death has always stuck out to me as the day he died I saw a cloud that looked just like him. My girlfriend even completely agreed with me that day and she doesn't care at all about this stuff. I'm not gonna re-list stuff but I have talked about him a ton over the years. I think his death is somehow really important to the awakening of many...of course he was even in movie called "Awakening"...Peter Pan-Jumanji-The Fisher King...I need to think about it.
Would you believe that Summer Slam in 2019 will be held on 8/11?
Remember Hulk Hogan got his revenge on Earthquake at Summer Slam in Philadelphia at the Spectrum.
Scotiabank Arena=134
Summer Slam=134
Scotiabank=32...It's Summer Slam 32.
Toronto=36, 117
Bridge=36, 117
August 11th is also 118 days after the 169th anniversary of San Francisco.
Think about how I keep mentioning 164 being important...
Terry Bollea=164(Hulk Hogan's real name 8/11 bday).
Terry Gene Bollea=164
Philadelphia Pennsylvania=1611(Jewish)
KJV in 1611....
August Eleventh=1611(eng ext).
Wrestlemania 35 is 4 months 4 days before Summer Slam 32.
I'm pretty sure part of the Hulk Hogan narrative is why Stan Lee recently died. Also we got the story of Lou Ferrigno being hospitalized....The Incredible Hulk.
Remember Hulk Hogan is from Augusta, Georgia...Think about August and the first ruler of the Roman Empire Augustus who was born on 9/23...The big day with Pope Francis.
Remember Francis gave a speech on Abe Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Lectern in Philadelphia...Abe Lincoln shot with a Philadelphia Derringer....Rick Derringer wrote Hulk Hogan's theme song.
Barack Hussein Obama II=811(eng ext)
I talked a lot about Obama back then.
Also a lot of what I was talking about in regards to Philadelphia and Earthquakes was from the movie Happy Gilmore. Chubbs is also Apollo Creed/Rocky(Philadelphia) who died on 8/31/1985...Carl WEATHERS....The Worst recorded East Coast Earthuake was on 8/31/1886 in Charleston....The 85' Bears were important to the coding as well. We got the death of Grizzly Adams(Happy Gilmore quote)...The Revenant...California's Flag/State Animal is the Grizzly Bear and more....Think about that in relation to this year....
California became a state on 9/9....Adam Sandler born on 9/9...the 9th green at 9...Apollo Creed died 99 years after the 1886 Earthquake. It's the 99th season of the NFL this year and more..
Anyway remember on Happy Gilmore the building that falls over on the Earthquake course where he learns to putt has the black cube on the top. It looks similar to the Comcast Center in Philadelphia. The kicker though is all the talk of August 11th is about the construction of the 3rd Temple.....Remember the Black Cube(Saturn's Cube) is supposed to represent the "New Jerusalem" and it will be centered around the 3rd Temple.
Saturn's Cube=811(Jewish)
I'm also leaving this comment in here as I know there is something important to France in all of this, but haven't figure it out yet.
On December 15th I left a comment on your Hagar/Viking blog that adds a bit to the Hulk/San Francisco stuff. Not to mention December 15, 2018, when Ferrigno story came out, was 51st anniversary of the Silver Bridge Collapse and the 49th anniversary of the new Silver Bridge opening.....I have other stuff that i will add. For example from March 28, 1776 which was the 88th day as 1776 was a leap year to August 10, 2019 (1st day of Tisha B'av) it's 88,888 days. On March 28, 1776 the Presidio in what became San Francisco was discovered by Juan Bautista de Anza. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteAlso I looked at April 15th before because it was 118 days before Aug 11, lots of stuff happened on that date, like Titanic sinking, Boston Bombing, Soccer Stadium collapse....