Sam text me yesterday showing me this tweet from Kristy Swanson(Buffy).
Apparently her and Dean Cain got a death threat over a pro-Trump production they are going to people were TROLLING her twitter. Even the article mentions the death threat came from an "Anti-Trump" Troll.
I've been mentioning how there is a TROLL theme in connection to the BUFFY the Vampire Slayer stuff.
Look at the Tweet above too, where she says, "And you are BATMAN"? Think about how this is Pro-Trump who said he was Batman at the Iowa State Fair.
Dean Cain a perfect person for it to happen with considering his bday is the same day the film "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" came out...July 31st.
It's also interesting in regards to Batman considering Dean Cain is known for being Superman.
Think about how Ben Affleck is important to the film in my video about Batman and Trump a big piece was about Ben Affleck being the new the film "Batman v Superman" of course.
Morgan Freeman was important because of their film "The Sum of all Fears" together as well.
Freeman also supported the violence in Baltimore after the Freddie Gray stuff in Baltimore..where the film The Sum of All Fears is plotted around...
The Fred/Freddy theme is important to Slipknot/Kanye West/Batman stuff....Wes Craven's death...It makes me wonder about the Mandela Effect stuff a while back it was the Timerider film that stars "FRED Ward"...Morgan Freeman also important to Nelson Mandela..
Mandela Effect=95...he died age 95...
Baltimore, Maryland=276
Think about the Mandela Effect too in regards to "Memory"..I've been saying that this knowledge all seems to stem back to old memories that help you understand the future better. Which is why it has been important that I've been documenting this information for years, so I can verify things from the past that might be important.
I wonder if the film "Oblivion" has some importance as well...I documented a whole lot about Batman around the time of Super Bowl 50 in regards to the Stadium collapsing in The Dark Knight Rises....
The reason I think this as well is because last night I saw my friend "Fonso" who I haven't seen for a long time. The guy I documented about with the Colorado/Mushrooms story....he also goes on tour with Smile Empty Soul....I was telling him last night how I've never listened to the newest album, which would be surprising to him considered how much I used to listen to them. Anyway, he was telling me how awesome it was...the album is called "Oblivion" though.
Remember DENVER won Super Bowl 50 as well, so it makes sense with the Mushroom story as well.
SES is playing in Lincoln on June 3rd and I told him I was thinking about going. I just have to make sure we have a babysitter if Jasmine works and so on.. He told me to let him know because he can get me on the list, I'm assuming as a +1 with him. It's just interesting because I haven't been to Lincoln for a concert since probably Linkin Park 15 years ago or with as much as I've documented about the important to the Cornhuskers/Lincoln....I still don't know if I can go, but I would really love to and see what type of syncs go on.
He was only in town because his girlfriend had her 20 year class reunion and he came with her. I didn't even know he was back with her or anything it's been so long since I've seen him...regardless he is one of them friends that no matter how long it's been you can immediately carry a conversation and so on. I was honestly really surprised to see him. I was setting up my DJ equipment and I turned around and he was standing there to talk to me.
Another interesting thing about last night was a lady there told me I was related to her. I guess she is like my 2nd or 3rd cousin, although I don't recall ever meeting her. She is probably 50's so it makes sense I wouldn't know her I guess. Anyway I don't even know how it came up, but at the end of the night we started talking about "Mushrooms" haha. I was telling her how I think everyone should try them at least once in their life, because it really enhances your perspective of life and so on. She then started telling me how her daughter..and I think sister? are "Mediums". One of them died...I drank way too much yesterday to remember all the details, but I just found it interesting she would tell me that. She said she has certain abilities as well, but not like her I started telling her about my experiences and so on. She seemed intrigued especially when I told her about the "114" stuff with my Uncle Barney, but of course the bar closed and I didn't get to finish the conversation. I guess I'm just documenting about it, because she made me feel good that I have at least some distant relatives who don't think I'm crazy and understand there is a lot more this world has to offer. I'm gonna have to ask my Dad what her name was and find her on Facebook possibly.
It's song like this that made me really like SES years ago.
This is the lyrics to the final song on the album "Oblivion".
Matt Damon & Christian Bale ( Batman) waved the introductory White Flag to start the Indy 500 yesterday, where a Frenchman won, for the first time since 1919.