Bill Buckner has died on the 147th day of the year at the age of 69?
World Series=69, 147
He's famous for his error in the 1986 World Series that was attributed to the Curse of the Bambino.
It's fitting for the age of 69 as well, because the error happened in "Shea Stadium"=69 against the "New York Mets"=69
Normally Buckner was taken out of the game, but the coach left him anyway that game.
John McNamara=69
Notice he is currently 86 years old too.
What's so interesting is the Red Sox won the World Series last year and it was synced up to the Indians who have coach Terry Francona.
Francona is the coach who broke the Curse of the Bambino for the Red Sox.
Notice they day Buckner dies the Red Sox are playing the Indians.
It's funny too as last year during the World Series I made a video talking about all the connections to "86" with the World Series. This is also the video in which I mentioned Slipknot playing at the Iowa State Fair on Rocky Colavito's 86th birthday on 8/10/19.
Curse of the Bambino=86
The Bill Buckner thing was in 86'.
The Red Sox broke the curse after 86 years.
Babe Ruth died in 1948 which was the last time the Indians won the World Series after beating the Boston Red Sox in a 1 game playoff ruining an all Boston World Series. The Indians went on to win over the Boston Braves and Lou Boudreau was the MVP.
Lou Boudreau died on Rocky Colavito's bday(8/10).
Last year we had the Holy Fire on 8/6 in Cleveland National Forest that was synced up to Rocky Colavito being traded on Easter.
Buckner dying on 5/27 is also interesting as it's the mirror day of 8/6.
5/27 the 147th day leaving 218 days.
8/6 the 218th day leaving 147.
I even mention the significance of mirrored days in that "86" video, because it was important to Freddie Gray/VMA's/Freddy's Dead.
There was a ton of stuff in regards to 86...even before the World Series last year the Red Sox had won 8 and the Dodgers 6.
Also the 86th World Series was the Earthquake World which is being honored on August 11th this year when the Giants play Philadelphia.
Last year was all about the National Anthem and Kneeling stuff too. The Red Sox won the World Series in 1918 in which Game 1 was when it got popular to stand during the national anthem. This world series was last time they won a World Series before breaking the Curse of the Bambino as well.
Remember Herbert Hoover signed the National Anthem into Congress and his bday is 8/10 as well.
Also the Cubs lost to the Red Sox in the 1918 World Series and that's why it was important the Cubs got Daniel Murphy. The former New York Met, reminding us of the Bill Buckner incident. Murphy's bday was also on Easter last year reminding us of the Holy Fire on 8/6. He also had media attention for not liking Billy Bean for being gay. William Beanes is the reason Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem at the Battle of Baltimore. Key was there to get Beanes out of Jail.
Thinking about all the France stuff..I have mentioned before that Francis Scott Key sounds like Francis Got Key in regards to Philadelphia and the Key of David....
Sounds like "France is got key" as well.
Francis Scott Key=188 and 266(Francis Bacon)
Bavarian Illuminati=188
Pope Francis the 266th Pope and so on..
Anyway, I've noticed the last 2 times I've been there that when I see the number means I'm going to get something good soon..just not on the machine I'm currently on. Tonight was the 3rd time this has happened to me over there. I see the 310 and keep losing...then I move to a different machine and hit a hundred or so....tonight I saw the 310 and went to a machine called "Fire Link...something". The machine froze up and I had to call them over to fix it. Then 3 spins later I hit for $207. I should've quit, but I moved to a different machine and started betting the max like a retard. Oh well as I still left up $60 and I found out I'm getting $300 more for DJing on Saturday than I anticipated. I was actually going to quit at $150, but a guy I graduated with was there and hit $1,300 so he was buying beer and I couldn't leave.
I just want to document this for future reference like everything else. Plus the synchroncity is just too much sometimes and it needs to be shared.
Anyway 8/6 last year was also important to the PINK/Duck stuff....and the day Alex Jones got kicked off Social Media. Remember the Austin Bomber was important to Pink and Alex Jones as well. Austin Bomber/Boston Bomber..then the Red Sox win..
I've recently mentioned Halloween as well....which Halloween is 86 days after 8/6.
Thanks foe sharing.