I saw Zach mention that "Heroin Overdose"=206
He was talking about it in light of the music singers deaths in the Seattle area with Heroin. Seattle in the 206 area code.
Anyway I also have been talking about how the Mariners are connected to the Cubs because in 2001 when they got upset by the Yankees they had tied the Cubs 116 win season.
Chicago Cubs=206(reverse)
Oddly enough this story comes 11 months 4 days after her bday.
Also 91 days before the 114th World Series.
Chicago Cubs=91
Chicago Illinois=91
Demetria Devonne Lovato=328(reverse) and 112(rev red)
Chicago Illinois=328(Jewish)
Los Angeles=328(Jewish) where she was hospitalized.
Chicago won the 112th World Series.
This story also coming 27 days before her bday sticks out.
Interesting too I found this article of her wearing a Cubs Jersey last year. I tried searching a few other teams but nothing came up until I searched the Cubs. Possibly there are other articles with other teams though.
Sorry Not Sorry=95, 239, 112(reverse)
Demetria Devonne Lovato=95, 239, 112(rev red)
Demi also a big advocate for the Gun Control and even brought Stoneman Douglas kids on stage to start her tour this year. She also played the March for our Lives Concert.
What else is interesting in regards to the Cubs as of late is they have put emphasis on them pitching with position players. On 7/23 Anthony Rizzo(Stoneman Douglas) pitched for the first time since High school.
Notice the Cubs lost 1-7.
It was also 17 days(end date) before Anthony Rizzo's bday.
(Everything about Stoneman Douglas was 17)
Also the Cubs used 3 position players becoming the first team to do so since 1979 and the first Cubs team to do so since 1907.
The reason it's so important is because it happened on 7/20 the anniversary of the Moon Landing. Remember how important Stoneman Douglas was to the MOON?
Also the first guy to go in on 7/20 was Tommy La Stella who played college for Coastal Carolina.
Remember how Coastal Carolina won the College WS in 2016 just like the Cubs. Also Stoneman Douglas won the State Championship in 2016.
The 2nd guy, Victor Caratini played college for Miami-Dade(Stoneman Douglas area).
The 3rd Guy, Ian Happ became the 2nd person ever to hit a homerun on the first pitch of the MLB Season this year in the game against Miami.
The first person to hit a HR on the first pitch of the season was Dwight Evans of the Boston Red Sox. It was in 1986, the year they were supposed to break the curse that eventually got broke after 86 years lol.
Curse of the Bambino=86
Anyway notice they were playing the Detroit Tigers...also look at Wikipedia's wording....He "Eclipsed" the mark held by Bump Wills.
Ha Bump Wills bday even happens to fall on the day of the next Eclipse this year...7/27.
Position Players=192
Remember how 192 was important to my Dad and my Son in connection to Drowning/Indians/Cubs stuff?
The other big number was "72".
Major League Baseball=72, 117(rev red)
Wow I never realized either.
Remember my son born on 1/17 and more.
Lunar Eclipse=72(rev red) and also 810(sum).
Remember the partial eclipse on 7/27 begins at 6:24pm UTC.
Cubs tribute game to Stoneman Douglas was 6 months 24 days before the WS.
6 months 24 days is sometimes 206 days(Chicago Cubs).
Both Cubs and Indians cursed by Detroit.
Detroit Tigers=624
Rocky Colavito=624
Aroldis Chapman=624
I just had the synchroncity with drowning at the "The Buffalo Club"=624
The Indians played the Tigers on 6/24.
My sons bday is 6 months 24 days before Rocky Colavito's bday on 8/10.
My sons bday is also 6 months 24 days after 6/24.
My Grandma died 6 months 24 days before my Uncle Clancy this year and 8 months 10 days after my uncle Barney. Clancy died 6 months 24 days before my bday. His grand daughter named in honor of my grandma and born on 8/10.
Cleveland is in it's 222nd year being founded and 8/10 is the 222nd day of the year.
My Grandma died the on Nikolas Cruz's 19th bday...same day Marilyn Manson said Columbine ruined his career(Guns) then gets hurt by a giant Gun prop...also his album was supposed to released on Valentines day 2017....he's from the area of stoneman douglas. His biggest influence was David Bowie who was synced the the Falcon Heavy Launch and the Eagle on the Moon...Bowie had the song Valentines Day hinting Gun Control....Bowie dies just before Glenn Frey of the Eagles....Manson's Heaven Upside Down Tour began on 7/20/17 the same day Chester Bennington of Linkin Park dies.(Chicago Valentines Massacre in Lincoln Park).
Moon=57 and 51
Valentine=51 and 57
Valentines Day is 5 months 7 days before the Eagle landed on the Moon.
The Moon is supposedly 108 moons away from the Earth.
The Sun is supposedly 108 Suns away from the Earth and the sized of 108 Earths.
Geometry=108 also 45
Valentines on the 45th day.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas=1969(Jewish)
Year of the Moon landing on 7/20.
She died 10 months 8 days before Valentines age 108.
The Cubs hadn't won a WS in 108 years. (Rizzo). Synced up to Valentines day by the number 67 and the Indians.
The Cubs hadn't won a WS game since 10/8..1945.
Grover Cleveland died on 6/24 in 1908(last time Cubs won) and he died 108 days before that WS began.
Willis Tower 108 stories tall..
Great Chicago Fire began on 10/8....145 years before the Cubs won in 2016.
One Hundred Forty Five=108
Chicago Illinois=145
Great Chicago Fire=810
Marjory Stoneman Douglas died on 14/5.
St. Valentines Day Massacre=145
The Mayor of Chicago during the Valentines Massacre was born on 14/5.
Pope Gelasius=145(created Valentines day)
Eastern Orthodox Valentines on 6/7. (Valentines=67 and so on)
Jorge Bergoglio=145
The Stock Market Crash was in 1929 too same year of the Valentines Massacre. The Cubs lost in the 1929 WS that began on 10/8. Herbert Hoover born on 8/10.
10/29 to Valentines is 108 days.
It's the 88th annivesary of the Stock Market Crash...which is why we had the Super Bowl at US Bank Stadium and the Eagles winning in connection to Standing During the National Anthem and the Flag symbolism. Then the Stoneman Douglas Eagles shooting all a Tribute to the Moon landing in which the EAGLE landed on the MOON. "Eagles"=49 it's the 49th anniversary.
It's why Rizzo's bday is 8/8 as well and 6 months 7 days before Valentines day. "Curse of the Billy Goat"=88
Sixty Seven=108(reverse)
The Freemason's ride the Goat...founded on 6/24...."Jesuit"=624
Major League=108
108 Double Stitches on a baseball field.
The Baseball field set up like the Freemason Square and Compass. The Freemasons use Euclids 47th problem about the foundation of a perfect square....47 degrees on the Compass and so on...
Rocky Colavito born on 8/10...
Lou Boudreau died on 8/10.
A lot of this was synced up to "Bridge" and Earthquake symbolism as well....Remember these special Moons always seem to be synced to Earthquakes as well. The Cubs won the World Series 12 days before the Closest Super Moon since 1948 the last time the Indians won the World Series and so on...
The last big Eclipse in 2018 was 5 months 27 days before 7/27.
Golden Gate Bridge opened on 5/27...81 years ago.
Golden Gate Bridge=81 and 810.
Valentines to 8/10 is 5 months 27 days.
Ha... 81 is very key to this...
Eighty One=108 also 810 and also 624(Jewish).
Eight Hundred Ten=81
August 1st important to the Minnesota Bridge...Francis Scott Key's bday.....We will see what happens on 8/1 and 8/10 as I think they are pretty symbolic....also 8/18/18(Pope Francis day).
Remember my Uncle Clancy turned 59 years old on the 81st day and then died 81 days before his sons(eagles fan) bday.
Valentines=59...he was born in 59 as well.
Remember 81st prime is 419.....Pope=81...Francis is 81 years old and bday is 81 days after jesuit anniversary.
Pope Benedict=114 and he became Pope on 4/19 in 2005. The year the Cubs and the "Tie" were connected to with 114....then my Uncle who went to see Benedict died on 1/14 and was a 4th degree Knight of Columbus.
Pope Francis=59 and he turned 81 years old 59 days before the Stoneman Douglas Shooting.
6/24 the 175th day....Pope Francis=175(reverse)
Golden State=175....it's why Lebron went to the "Los Angeles Lakers"=175
Enough recap. It's a lot of interrleated things that I have been saying forever. It's no doubt my life is synced up to these events and something is helping me get a better understanding.
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