Sunday, November 10, 2019

Russian professor pulled from river with a pair of severed arms-France-49th day of French Republic

This odd story was at the top of CNN today. Notice this professor was all about France. He won an Order of Legion d'Honneur for his studies and popularization of the history of France's Army....He also teaches about the military history of France and has done a bunch of work on Napoleon. 
Oleg Sokolov=49
Moika=49(The river he was in)
Notice this comes on the 49th day of the 227th anniversary of the French Republic. 
The 49th prime number is 227. 

So the story is he murdered a 24 year old girl and was putting her in the river. He was drunk and fell in and that's how they caught him....but notice it says he intended on committing suicide dressed as Napoleon...Lol I mean seriously. 
Interesting he was 63 years old as well....something I mentioned a lot recently...

Also interesting this comes 92 days after the 227th anniversary of the Fall of the French Monarchy...