Just got home from work and checked CNN.
The shooter supposedly had 42 guns lol?
Mandalay Bay Hotel=60
Stephen Paddock=60
October First=60
Jim Carrey=60(rev red)
I only mention this as most of the news coverage of this story came on 10/2. Remember a while back I was mentioning 102 and something to do with Carrey?
Jim Carrey=102
Mariah Carey=102
Drew Carey=102
This story is gonna bring back up Guns and your right to "Carry"?
Supposedly it lasted 110 minutes?
The date was 1/10.
Think about that in regards to 9/11....110 story WTC...Osama Bin laden=110 and so on.
Las Vegas Strip=168
New York City=168
Thomas Earl Petty=198
Mandalay Bay=198(reverse)
No wonder we got these big stories at the same time.
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers=317
He died age 66?
317 is the 66th prime number.
Stephen Paddock=66(rev red)
He dies of a Heart Attack....the Heartbreakers?
Dies on 10/2, born on 10/20.
He canceled a Concert 40 days before he died and it was on their 40th Anniversary Tour.
He canceled due to Laryngitis?
Tom Petty=134
Tom Petty in The Postman
I'm gonna have to rewatch the film "The Postman" with him and Kevin Costner. I can't help but think there is a big piece as the film is about restoring America. Tom Petty is the mayor of Bridge City where they don't allow GUNS.
Bridge City=102
He dies on 10/2.
United States of America=102
Interesting in the film as well the General trying to stop America from being restored is "Bethlehem".
It's where Jesus was born....
New Testament=42
It begins with the 42 generations leading up to Jesus.
Forty Two=43, 142
Jesus Christ=43
Bethlehem in Judea=142
Matthew 4:2 mentions fasting for 40 days and 40 nights....
His last album with the Heartbreakers was
ReplyDeleteHyptnotic Eye=66
It came out 166 weeks before he died
Tom Petty=166 ALW
He was the distraction arm of the psyop as the event itself was obviously fabricated, so they needed to keep eyes off of it with Petty music.
He's obviously a big player in the game, go back and watch. Dont Come Around Here No More and Runnin' Down a Dream for all the symbolic confessions you may need.
He's also
ReplyDeleteThe Mad Hatter=66
In that alice video