There's a lot I'm thinking about in regards to this new shooting in Las Vegas on 10/1.
Rememberr 10/1 is also the day we got the Roseburg, Oregon school shooting. This was just months after the Thalys Train Attack with Alek Skarlatos who had attended the same school.
In 2015 former president Jimmy Carter also turned 91 years old.
10/1 leaves 91 days in the year.
Then his grandson died 80 days later on 12/20/15.
Roseburg, Oregon=80
December Twentieth=80
There were 80 Contestants in the Miss Universe on 12/20/15.
12/20/15 was the same day Steve Harvey messed up at the Miss Universe Pageant in Las Vegas. We also got a story of the lady who ran people over on the Las Vegas Strip this same day.
It was also connected to Donald Trump as Donald Trump had just sold his shares in the Miss Universe after his "Mexican" comments.
OJ Simpson also just got out of Jail yesterday in Nevada and it was 84 days after his bday.
OJ Simpsons=40
It's also interesting I got this message the day before this shooting in Las Vegas. I am going to email this person after work tonight and hopefully find out more about this story. It's the guy that got a perfect showcase on The Price is Right.
The Price is Right-Terry Kniess Youtube Video Playlist
Jodi Colteryahn Video He is talking about
The reason I find it so interesting is that his email has Nevada in it.
Also according to articles on the internet he is also from Las Vegas.
So how interesting a day before this big mass shooting, I get a message from someone who is from the area.
I got that message 3 months 8 days after I put the videos on Youtube on 6/22.
Remember a bunch of what I was saying is about 38 and 93. The date on 9/30 alot like 93.
The Price is Right=93
The original TPIR without Barker aired it's final episode on 9/3..1956.
Bob Barker currently 93 years old.
The Blog post I made on 6/3 was 93 days before the 45th anniversary of TPIR.
I talked about the Jesuit Priest in my town who died age 63, 6 months 3 days before the Jesuit anniversary on a Jesuit residence. He was also a priest in Rosebud, South Dakota where Bob Barker is from.
Father Paul Strittmatter=93
This shooting comes exactly 93 weeks after the Miss Universe/Lady driving into people story on 12/20/2015.
Yesterday was also Jimmy Carter's 93rd Birthday.
Bob Barker=38
TPIR first aired 3 months 8 days before Barker's bday.
Terry Kniess=163.....163 the 38th prime.
All of this reminds me of the same old stuff in regards to last year and the Indians being in the World Series.....Drew Carey from Cleveland...Bob Barker grew up on an Indian Reservation then moved to Springfield(The Simpsons showing us Trump and the Indians).
I'm really interested to see how the World Series turns out this year, I think I will learn a lot to this system when it's over.
6/3 also the 154th day.
Native Americans=154
Bob Barker Also shares a bday with Ervin Santana who is pitching for the Twins tomorrow night against the Yankees.
I have to leave for work, but for sure going to email this person after I do some more research on it. There is a lot more to show about this shooting in general too.
I see Tom Petty died too? My cousin Chris Houston who I just posted about in regards to Aerosmith canceling their shows in Brazil used to run sound for Tom Petty a lot. The company he works for toured with Tom Petty multiple times.(Sound Image) Remember he was in Brazil working at the Def Leppard, Aerosmith concert at the time of the canceling too.
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