Bruce Tyrone Maxwell=97(rev red)
Oakland Athletics=97(rev red)
I love the article telling us Maxwell says he was refused service for kneeling....Notice how they highlight "Outright Lying".
Outright Lying=185
Bruce Maxwell=185
Donald John Trump=185
Matt Henry=124
Bruce Tyrone Maxwell III=124(rev red)
Also he was refused service in his hometown of Hunstville, Alabama.
Huntsville=56(rev red)
Huntsville, Alabama=56
Athletics=56(rev red)
Oakland Athletics=56
President=56(Donald Trump)
Notice in the pic below it also says when he knelt he had the support of his teammate Mark Canha...
Mark Canha=56(rev red)
Notice he knelt at the game 88 days before his bday too.
Colin Kaepernick=88
The Star Spangled Banner=88
Great Garrison Flag=88
Star Spangled Banner made the national anthem by Herbert Hoover....HH..88...Stock Market Crash was 88 years ago...
Gun Charge=159
Herbert Hoover=159
Donald Trump=159
Francis Key=159
Also it's interesting he knelt on 9/23.
The Defence of Fort M'Henry=923(Actual Francis Key Poem)
Also how funny it says he was born on the military base in Germany....of all places....
HH=88 Heil Hitler.....
Mein Kampf=88
Published in America 8 years 88 days after originally published.
Also think about it even further....The first MLB player to Kneel plays for Oakland and the first NFL player played for the 49ers....Both in the San Francisco Bay Area.....
Oakland is where the Black Panther Party was founded.
Black Panther Party=97(rev red)..
Black Panthers=58=Huey P Newton=Oakland....Cam Newton the 58th QB in a SB. Von Miller # 58....Defense=58....
Huey Percy Newton=217 born on 2/17.
Founded the BPP with Bobby Seale.
Bobby Seale=88
I'm just reminded that Straight Outta Compton came out on 8/8/88 too.
Newton born in 42'(Nigger) and even named after white Louisiana governor Huey Long who died age 42.
I just discovered that "Malcolm X"=42(rev red)
X=59(satanic) wonder
Malcolm X also died 88 days after his bday..(2/21 to 5/19).
Also Martin Luther King's real name was,
Michael King Jr=231(reverse)
Huey P. Newton also died 1 month 22 days before the 1989 Earthquake World Series of Oakland vs San Francisco.
San Francisco=122 located on 122W.
He died 56 days before the Loma Prieta Earthquake as well...
It was the first Cross Town World Series since 1956.
Oakland Athletics=56 and so on....
Black Power=56(rev red)
Black Lives Matter=56
Michael King=56
Malik El Shabazz=56
Loma Prieta Earthquake=217(Huey Percy Newton).
Kevin Costner=56....Remember Field of Dreams came out in 1989 as well showing us the Athletics vs San Francisco the World Series that year. I'm interested in regards to this year with the Space/Moon theme and "Moonlight" Graham... Moonlight Graham died in 1922 when New York Played New York(Giants) in the World Series..
The Black Panther Party also founded the same year as the Church of Satan(1966) in San Francisco at the BLACK House.
Black House=56(rev red) and 97
Church of Satan=56
Anton LaVey said he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe....Huey P. Newton born in Monroe, Louisiana.
World Series Earthquake=124(rev red)
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