So some girl who witnessed the Las Vegas Shooting and identified multiple shooters is supposedly dead now. She died in her sleep according to this article I saw on Facebook.
Kymberley Jo Suchomel=84
Las Vegas Strip=84
Mandalay Bay Hotel=84
Jesuit connections to Las Vegas-84 OJ Simpson
She had Epilepsy and friends think she died of seizures.
She dies on 10/9.
The article let's us know she got engaged on 9/1 at a High Desert Mavericks baseball game.
9/1....She dies on 9/10 or 10/9.
Route 91 Harvest Festival on 10/1 that leaves 91 days in the year.
Thirty Second Floor=91
October 9th is also fitting as it leaves 83 days in the year.
Las Vegas Nevada=83(rev red)
Interesting they even bring this up in the article about baseball.
Michael Suchomel=147
World Series=147
High Desert Mavericks=204, 111(rev red)
Houston Astros=147, 204(reverse)
New York=111...
Also interesting on her bday this year the Astros won 14-7 getting their 69th win of the season.
World Series=147 and 69(rev red)
10/9 also interesting as she dies in Apple Valley, California.
Los Angeles=109
Apple Valley is 91 and a half miles from Los Angeles.
Something to think about as well....
They had 91 regular season wins.
The Big Apple? Apple Valley?
But the Astros had 101 regular season wins...10/1....
I see the Astros lost game 3 tonight as well with a score of 8-1.
H=8 A=1...The Astros lost to the Dodgers in the playoffs and the Yankees lost to the Dodgers in the World Series in 1981 as well.
All the 91 stuff is interesting too as all year I was mentioning the Space Theme in regards to the Jesuits...
Flat Earth=91
1991 was also important as it was the year the Soviet Union collapsed thus ending the Space Race and the Cold War.
There were 91 total Orbital launches in 1991 too.
A hoax within a hoax! Insulting us Goyam