Another Magazine person dies now. Hugh Hefner just days ago and now Vogue Publisher. Playboy Magazine founded on 10/1. So today is the 64th anniversary of Playboy.
Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr=288
Vogue was founded exactly 44 years before Pope Francis was born. It's anniversary was 288 days before SI Newhouse dies.
Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr=288
Conde Nast Magazine=288(reverse)
Two Hundred Eighty Eight=312(reverse)
Interesting in regards to Pope Francis-Jesuits and so on that I've documented about 312.
Conde Nast founded 108 years ago.
Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr=108
Conde Nast named after Conde Montrose Nast who was born on 3/26. SI Newhouse bday is 326 days after Vogue was founded.
Conde Montrose Nast=70
Ha a second ago I typed in "Magazines" in the gematrinator and right when I did a commercial on TV said something about a magazine. I didn't get a screen shot of it as the stupid DVR switched the TV to record the Simpsons.
It was a commercial about animals and this company ASPCA.
Conde Nast=95
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