Remember the day after Kanye West visited the White House Don Lemon said it was a "Minstrel Show"?
Now we are getting a story involving a Minstrel show?
It's funny too as I searched my youtube videos in regards to this and the only video that came up is a video about Bow Wow. Notice in the headlines today there is a story about Bow Wow too..
It's interesting I talked about King Charles in that video too as the Kanye West Don Lemon video was also a lot to do with the Royal Family.
I clicked on the article and of course they have Don Lemon speaking haha.
Don Lemon=34...think about how I've mentioned this number being important. His name is also 239(Jewish)...think about the Flag stuff...
Remember how Don Lemon interviewed LeBron James and then Trump Tweeted how he liked "Mike" in reference to Michael Jordan.
Notice my Bow Wow video also about the NBA All Star Week and Michael Jordan. Remember Jordan's bday is the 48th day of the year...fitting with Wall and Trump..
Think about LeBron and the King Symbolism as well.
Bow Wow in the film called "LIKE MIKE".
Also noteworthy is the whole story is about a picture of RALPH Northam. Remember how RALPH is synced to the Royal Family.
Ralph Northam=63
Ralph denies the KKK picture but did wear Blackface for a Michael Jackson Costume...Yet again think about it....the KING of Pop.
Michael Joseph Jackson=197
I've talked about the importance of Michael a lot to this....Also think about it....Michael Jordan....Michael Jackson...MJ and MJ....I've been talking about MJ Fox. Remember Crispin Glover(George McFly) is also in the film "Like Mike".
Lil Bow Wow=109, 134
Michael Jeffrey Jordan=109
Michael Joseph Jackson=109
King Charles III=134
I wonder if it's connected to the Super Bowl as well considering the video was about Bow Wow retiring.
Shad Moss=118
Tom Brady=118
Trump tweeted he liked Mike on Tom Brady's birthday.
Michael Jordan and Tom Brady the Goats.
The film Like Mike is all about Los Angeles though...
Los Angeles=109
In my video I mentioned a lot about the number 29..
Bow Wow=29...he was 29 years old.
He gets "Adopted"=29 and given the nickname "C-Dog"=29
The 29th prime number is 109 as well.
Also this story of Bow Wow comes out on 2/2...
Remember his last album was released 22 days after his 22nd bday.
The Story of Bow Wow came out 2 months 17 days before the NBA Season began in 2016.
The NBA All Star Week got moved because of the Bathroom Law in North Carolina that summer too. It was moved out of Charlotte where MJ owns and it began on 2/17 which is MJ's bday. It was also the year 2017(217). It was instead moved to the Smoothie KING center in New Orleans. Remember Anthony Davis was the MVP that year. Think about Davis wanting to be traded stuff in the news currently.
Obama's bday in 2016 was the 217th day of the year.
Think how this year the NBA All Star Week will be held in Charlotte with the All Star game being played on 2/17. It's at the Spectrum Center...Remember how Jordan is synced to Philadelphia/Hulk Hogan and the Spectrum in Philadelphia in regards to Earthquakes. Maybe the big earthquake day is 2/17? I did ironically put out my Bow Wow video on 8/11 of 2016 too.
What sucks is that Youtube took off the annotations thing on my videos and I know I left a huge annotation of important information about Michael Jordan on that video. I didn't have it written down on the blog and I never did write it all down because at the time I thought I would remember it all haha. Sucks.
Jordan was really connected to the Queen and the number 52. Remember Princess CHARLOTTE born on 5/2 in 2015 when Jordan was 52 years old. The 52nd prime is 239 which was important to Pope Francis' visit.
Jordan wore # 23 for 9 seasons before retiring.
He also wore # 9 in the Olympics...9...23...also 45(valentines).
In Space Jam they show us this with his jersey's on the Wall.
Elizabeth became Queen age 25 in the year 52.
Jordan was born in 63' and his bday is 63 days before Queen Elizabeth's bday. The Queen was 63 years old when the 1989 Earthquake Series happened that was predicted in the movie Field of Dreams which came out on her 63rd bday.
Field of Dreams=63
Think how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were all about 63 as well.
Remember after Kanye visited the White House we got the story of Meghan Markle being pregnant.
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