The Patriots win Super Bowl 53 with a score of 13 to 3.
66 year old Belichick gets his 6th championship as a head coach.
Brady gets his 6th championship.
13 is the 6th prime number.
LA=13, 41
13th prime is 41..."Super Bowl"=41
Tom Brady is 41 years old.
Thirteen=45, 45, 99
New England=45, 45, 99
99th season of the NFL.
In the game the announcers ever said Tom Brady has plans to play until the age of 45.
The 13th point was scored on a 41 yard kick that went in with 1:12 on the clock.
13th prime number is 41.
Super Bowl=41, 112
The only Touchdown scored in the game was by Sony Michel. Notice he's 23 years old and this game was on 2/3.
Notice his birthday as well is 2/17.
New England Patriots=217
2/17 is the 48th day of the year and also Goat Michael Jordan's bday.
Also 2/17 is the day the War of 1812 came to an end.
Sony Michel=48
When he scored it was his 6th Rush TD of the Post season which was a Rookie record. It was also his 53rd yard of the game.
I liked how the halftime score was 3-0 and the Rams only had 57 yards.
Rams=30, 57
The Rams final drive they got down to the 30 yard line.
Also interesting how Julian Edelman gets the MVP. He wears # 11. Remember how the Patriots have lost the SB every 11 years...the 66th, 77th, 88th and now they win the 99th with #11 being the MVP...
Also the first commercial once the game started was about Mermaids. Notice the Trident.
When Maroon 5 was doing the Halftime show they also did a tribute to Stephen Hillenburg(creator of Spongebob). Notice they are playing the TRUMPETS though.
The episode of Spongebob is based around the band playing a good performance of the song "Sweet Victory" written by David Glen Eisley. Notice he is barely in anything but he's in the film "Action Jackson". The film that stars Carl Weathers(Apollo Creed) and Vanity(Prince). In the film Carl Weathers name is Sgt. JERICHO.
Think about that in regards to the Trumpets and all of the Wall symbolism.
Spongebob=41=Super Bowl
After they blow the Trumpets a fireball comes to earth and hits the stadium which in turn sets of the Pyro on the stage.
Funny the stage was a ginat "M"=13 too.
Maroon Five=53, 118
Patriots=53, 118
Los Angeles=53
Also thinking about Lincoln and the War of 1812....both wars were wins for the Patriots.
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