I'm wondering if the this story is somehow in relation to Hurricane Barry and Barack Obama. Remember there was a lot of Blackout symbolism when Obama was president...we talked a lot about him possibly being assassinated...getting the Black Out of the White House and so on...
Hurricane Barry hits Louisiana on the same day of this blackout which is 22 days before Obama's bday.
I see Zach pointed out that "Storm"=22 as well.
Think how Storms also knock the Power out...
City that never Sleeps=911(satanic)
What are the odds this comes on the exact day there was a blackout in New York 42 year earlier as well?
Twenty Two=42
Barack Hussein Obama II=181
Barack Obama=181
The 42nd prime is 181.
I wonder too if the reason they made JLO(Jennifer Lopez) important in this story is because of the Ben Affleck Batman symbolism? Whenever I think of JLO I think of the South Park episode with Cartman and JLO on his hand...
Also she reminds me of the Robin Williams film "Jack"..just documenting with all the 811 stuff.
Also since I've recently mentioned Lil Wayne who is from Louisiana it reminds me of the importance of Obama going to McKinley High School in Baton Rouge after visiting Omaha.Then we got Lil Wayne emergency landing in Omaha because of a seizure later that year...Then the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile stories reminding us of McKinley's assassination.
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