Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Zach and Zenith Both Not Feeling Well Today


I don't know for sure if either Zach or Zenith are positive but it's crazy that Zenith did say he had to take a test and will know today....Also, Zach canceled the Gematria Effect tonight cause he doesn't feel well...He mentioned in the video how he couldn't sleep, which is a big symptom I had. I've had many colds over the years and I do feel a lot worse than that. No cold in my life has ever taken away this much energy from my body..Regardless, I'm gonna be fine though and already feel much better than I have the past few days...I can't tell you the last time I've had the Flu so it could be that too, but the test showed positive so I get a vacation..

Zach will most likely not get tested so we will never know for sure but it's funny that today is 168 days after his bday. 


1 comment:

  1. I had the flu on Xmas and it lasted a solid week. I hadn't been sick at all for almost 3 years prior. I am trying to avoid the test as I think that's how they spread illness.
