Friday, January 28, 2022

Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanhs Death-219 and My Nirvana Sync-Mandy Moore Mount Everest

Just layed down in bed and got a notification for this video...I turned it on and watched a bit because I blogged about Buddhism and the Dalai Lama with the volcano symbolism a while back...
It was a synchronicity that involved the band Nirvana too..
Notice this guy died on the 22nd day of 22'...recall the Dalai Lama will begin his 82th year on 2/22/22.
He is also currently 86 years old..

Thích Nhất Hạnh=219(FB)

Buddha=22 and 219(Jewish)

My sync happened on 8/4 but I didnt blog about it until 8/5, or 201 days before 2/22 and this guy dies 201 days aftee the Dalai Lamas bday on the 22nd day..

Who knows..maybe we will be enlightened with a big piece on 2/19 or 2/22?

Also, how funny Zach mentions a story about Mount Everest in this video...I just blogged about Everest last night with the Mandy Moore Sync and the 219 connection..


1 comment:

  1. I mentioned that sync with Chuck Norris Mt Everest and the Diesel Brothers. Just realized "Diesel Brothers" = 219 reverse
