This morning before work I checked my Facebook and a post about the possible finding of Goliath was the first thing on my feed. I remember thinking, just another bogus story to get the religious people talking. The lady who shared this is somewhat awake, but she's still in the stage of thinking politics matter and so on too. Anyway, I left for work not really thinking much more about seeing this.
So I'm at work and this kid came in and was standing around waiting for the bathroom for a while and looking for stuff. He had a shirt with a bunch of writing on it in spanish and I was intrigued at what it meant. I saw the word "David" and it was a bible verse, so I wondered if it might be about David and Goliath. Of course looking it up, it is the part about David beating Goliath with the stone to the head.
After the guy with the shirt on left, I figured I would start putting away the overstock as I usually do it on Tuesday, because we order on Wednesday. I was thinking about how there is some theme with David and Goliath....I open up the cupboard and the first thing I see is the word "GIANTS". haha it's just's a box of sunflower seeds and oddly enough the only other brand of sunflower seeds we sell is called "David"..I mean what are the odds?
I started wondering if there might be something important to the San Francisco Giants as they have been important to the Earthquake narrative and 8/11 stuff. Of course the Giants are playing the Oakland Athletics tonight....The game on 8/11 against the Phillies was a tribute to the 1989 Giants which was when the Earthquake series against the A's happened....So how funny they are playing the A's after that tribute game..
So the story continued as a guy I've never seen before came in and got something to eat. He was sitting down at the tables for a good amount of time and then finally asked me if I had seen a certain person. I hadn't seen them, but he was supposed to meet them at the gas station and they weren't there. For whatever the reason he had to use my cell phone to call him and see what was going on. The guy on the phone said he was coming, but then still wasn't there after another half hour or so...What I noticed about the guy waiting however was he was wearing a hat that said "Titan" on it. I had to laugh as a long time ago, I mistook the Titans for the Giants when I was talking about the Giants vs the Royals in the 2014 world series. The Titans were giants, but the actual Giants in Greek Mythology are siblings to the Titans. They both fought wars against the Olympians..Titanomachy and the moral of the story...I knew there was still something going on with Giants..David and Goliath...
In the mix of all of this my phone started ringing with a Los Angeles number calling me...I hung up on it and it rang again only a second later and I hung up again, but realized it was the guy calling back to see if the guy in the store was still there.
So it made me think about the Earthquake symbolism even more so because of Los Angeles calling me...
When I looked up the Giants in mythology it says they are believed to be buried under volcanoes and the cause of eruptions and earthquakes....
Even funnier the first story I saw when I got home from work was about the TITANS coach getting yelled at by his wife...
So I'm trying to figure out the puzzle....It seems to me that it's showing me an upcoming Earthquake?
The Dodgers did win with a score of 1-15 today...reminds me of the 115th world series...
The story of David and Goliath makes me think of the underdog winning as well...
I'm wondering if there is something important to the Giants vs A's game tonight too that will be telling...I just don't see it yet...
Your organic side to this is so thick. Im the one Derek made the video about with Syracuse and jim boehiem. I often wonder why it is we are so connected to the numbers and letters. I think people who think this is all coincidence just werent meant to get it. Maybe some of us live and die by the code and some of us have no connection to it at all. My mother was born and died 3 months 14 days before an eclipse to the day. I was born in 128th saros cycle my mother died 128 days before the new year. My name equals 128. My wife miscarried... 3 months 14 days after an eclipse. My parents died 5858 days apart and my mother was 17011 days old when my father died. 1711 is 58th triangular number. My wife and i were born 508 days much more. I guess im asking your opinion on some of us were just meant to understand this and some werent. I think it has to do with astrology in a way. Depending on what day we were born at what time what moon cycle and so on. I try to tell people about all this and gwt told im crazy...get called crazy by people who believe a talking snake from the bible.anyways... Be safe and keep up the good work.