Monday, August 12, 2019

Experience at work today and my old video about the film "Valentine" and the 2015 Copenhagen shooting

The very last customer I had at work today told me asked me, "Do you know who you look like"? I said, "Yep, Mikey from American Chopper" and he said, "Nope, David Foster Wallace". I was amazed as I get told I look like Mikey on almost a daily basis, so I asked him who this guy was. He told me a great author and so on and told me to check him out. I somewhat see what he is saying, but I don't think I really look much like him to be honest lol. 

David Foster Wallace=810(satanic)
Also his last work came out in none other than 2011..
He died on 9/12 which is important to the Ethiopian New Year this year..Ethiopia currently in 2011 on their calendar. 

Also his most notable work was called Infinite Jest which comes from Hamlet....Hamlet is about the Danish(Denmark) King.....I was wondering about Denmark yesterday as I know a family from Copenhagen..When my cousin visited them in Denmark years ago, he brought me back a shirt that said, "Christiana" on it. I saw that Oslo, Norway used to be called "Christiana"...I also remember the shooting in Denmark from 2015 in which I talked about the film "Valentine" that stars David Boreanaz who is ANGEL on Buffy. 

It's crazy as the video I made in regards to it, is really just a bunch of things I thought might possibly be related, but wasn't sure. In the video I mention Denise Richards who also stars in the film Valentine...I then go on to talk about her connection to Charlie Sheen and the film Red Dawn which came out on 8/10 because of Lupercalia/Valentines....then I mention Chris Hemsworth being in the new Red Dawn film..Notice his bday is 8/11 haha. 
Think about the recent media stories too....
Denise Richards enlarged thyroid..
Liam Hemsworth, brother of Chris separating from Miley Cyrus...
I also want to note that my video is 9:19 in length...
Dan Mark....Denmark...

Another interesting thing in regards to my cousin giving me that shirt....His bday is 10/26...the day important to Halloween this year...

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