Thursday, March 1, 2018

Joaquin Phoenix to possibly be the new "Joker"-Mary Magdalene Film-Resurrection of Jesus-40

Earlier tonight I mentioned how the Acid attack on Dr. Phil's sister in law made me think of the Joker. Then I blogged about Joaquin Phoenix...
I'm sitting here trying to find some of this movies and I see he was recently in the news in regards to possibly being the new "JOKER"...

He's also in the new film called "Mary Magdalene" in which he plays "Jesus Christ"...
Notice the film is being released in the UK on 3/16. 
Jesus Christ=316(Hebrew)
Mary Magdalene is the first person Jesus came to after being resurrected. 
Just interesting in regards to the Valentines shooting happening on Ash Wednesday....
Easter=40(rev red)
Some people believe Jesus died on the cross age 40 and not 33. 
It's why when you turn 40 you are over the hill...Jesus crucified on the Hill(Golgotha)...
Christ=40(rev red)
Jesus tempted by Satan for 40 days...
He stayed on earth for 40 days after Easter...

Think about returning from the dead and Halloween as well...

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