I just made a post about the suspension of Alberto Del Rio and Paige being suspended for Wellness Violation. Now we get the story of Eva Marie suspended today. She was suspended yesterday August 18th.
Eva Marie=38, 74
Masonic=38, 74
Wellness Violation=226, 73
August Seventeenth=226, 73 (Del Rio, Paige)
August Eighteenth=73 (Eva Marie)
Lebron James Undertaker Shirt 226 and a lot more
Remember how Lebron wore the Undertaker Shirt as well on 13/6. Which was 2 years 2 months 6 days after Undertaker's Streak was broken by "Lesnar"=69. "Cleveland Cavaliers"=69
Natalie Eva Marie=136, 64
Alberto Del Rio=136, 64
Lebron wears the Undertaker shirt on 13/6.
Notice it's 32 days before her 32nd bday as well. Also 1 month 1 days.
11th prime is 31
Eva Marie is 31 years old.
She was suspended for 30 days just like Del Rio and Paige.
Thirty Days=50
Thirty Two=50
Twenty Four=50(Paige suspended on her 24th bday)
Natalie Coyle=50 (Eva's real name).
Possibly something going on with these guys for Wrestlemania or connected to WM 32.
Notice Paige And Del Rio's story comes out 136 days after Wrestlemania 32.
Alberto Del Rio=64, 136
August Seventeenth=64
8/17 leaves 136 days in the year.
"Paige, Alberto Del Rio, Eva Marie"=131
32nd prime number is 131
It's the 36th year of the WWE.
Del Rio=36
Remember when Undertaker's streak was broken making him 22-1 in Wrestlemania also.
I wonder if these stories have something to do with UFC 202 and Summer Slam 29 coming up as well, as sports are always interrelated especially with Lesnar making his return to UFC in July and winning. Lesnar is 39 years old.(Wrestler).
How funny WM 33 is on 4/2 next year too.
33 the highest degree.
Forty Two=43
Birthday=42(Paige's bday yesterday)
Thirty Nine=142 "Forty Two"=142(Del Rio is 39 years old)
Paige is "Twenty Four"=167 the 39th prime.
Britani Knight=142 (Paige)
Saraya Jade-Bevis=142 (Paige)
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