If I lose PA They Cheated=97
Civil War=97
P=16 A=1 PA=161
American Civil War=161
Just wanted to document yet another story of Trump telling us he's not part of the rigged system.
"We have to call up Law Enforcement"=318, 120
Donald Trump=138
Tomorrow is 13/8 or 8/13.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor=138
King George VII=138(Prince Charles may take this name if he becomes king)
Walter Sobchak=138(Goodman on Big Lebowski)
If you've been following my Ralph stuff..
Ralphie Parker=138(A Christmas Story)
Remember Prince Charles born on the 318th day of the year.
His Ex-Wife Princess Diana died on 31/8 1997(Civil War=97)
The Worst ever East Coast Earthquake recorded was in Charleston on 31/8 1886.
Earthquake=107=King Charles
PA is where the Fresh Prince is from.
P=16 A=1
P=7 A=1
Princess Diana born on 7/1.
Princess Camillia born on 7/17.
Elizabeth II turned 71 years old 71 days before 7/1 1997(Civil War=97)
Diana dies 132 days after Eliz II's 71st bday.
Princess Diana=132
English Civil War=171
Camilla's bday is 120 days before Charles.
King William=120
William born on June 21. Or 21/6.
February 16th or 2/16 leaves 318 days in the year.
June 21st to August 31st 71 days.
Today also 21 days before the Annivesary of WWII ending 71 years ago.
WWII came to and end 71 days before the 21st Anniversary of WWI ending.
World War Three=71
Twenty One=141
World War III=141
Amazing connections