I just saw this on the local news. Millard North High School is wearing blue tape on their football helmets in honor of Lane Graves.
Elkhorn, Nebraska=82
Blue Tape=82
Millard North Football Team=104
Lane Graves=104
I guess his dad went to HS here and was a state champion wrestler in 1989 and 1991.
Interesting too Millard North is the reigning state Champions.
Anyway just wanted to post a little gematria on it.
Matt Graves=36, 63 (His dad)
Millard North=63
Lane Thomas Graves=63
Mustangs=114(Team name)
In my original post I talked about how Lane died at Lake Buena Vista Florida. I went to College at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. The town I live in is the exact halfway point from Storm Lake to Elkhorn, Nebraska. It even said from my town to Elkhorn is 1 hour 14 minutes.
Storm Lake=114
Buena Vista=114
Today is 72 days after he died.
Graves=72, 27
Millard North HS=72(How they show it in the pic above)
Millard North=144
Notice the address above is 1010 144th street.
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