Tuesday, October 11, 2022

YouTube Removed My Umbrella Man Video About the 9/11 Truth Rally-God Theme


YouTube took down my Umbrella Man video today for misinformation lol? 
Just crazy...You would think they would've liked the video considering I was questioning the beliefs of people who they would consider conspiracy theorists. 
Taking this video down makes me think some of my thoughts in the video are true...such as the Truth community being controlled, and wanting us to make every number mean the Jesuits... 
Who knows...or maybe they just want me to have this belief too..
Regardless, I don't see how anything I said in the video was "Misinformation"...lol...most of the video I was talking about synchronicities within my life and the truth community...
Since today is 10/11 it made me go back and look at the 1st conclusion of my book. I remembered that I talked about the date 10/11 with a story/synchronicity when I asked God to show me a sign if he was real...and then I got a text from Sam 2 minutes later and such..
But in 2020 I was thinking about ending my book with that story on 10/11/2020...then the next few days everyone that was involved in the story had messaged me or came up in my life again...so I knew I should end with with story....
So I wrote that story in the conclusion of the book on 10/16/2020 and a few hours later on at 12:33am on 10/17/2020, I got an email that YouTube had age restricted an old music video I made on 10/11/2011...I noticed that I had used a picture of me dressed as Jesus on Halloween in the video...and I also mentioned how this event was connected to my Uncle Barney who died in connection to the Umbrella Symbolism....
So anyway, the point is that I was thinking of this story and then I found it in my book and started laughing...due to the 10/11 connection and how I took it that I'm supposed to realize "God"...I started talking to the ceiling/God and saying something like..."I get it, you keep showing me signs and I'm not accepting that you are doing this stuff..."..I then said something like..."Ok, I understand that you exist...but what do you want from me?..Why can't you explain the meaning of this existence to me? Why do you exist and have control over this world? What do you want me to do?....Stuff like that....As I was saying this, I had my hand on my phone and Jasmine finally text me back from a half hour ago...I had asked her if Claire had left with her, or if she was downstairs...I thought she was upstairs, but I went to her room and she wasn't there. I had just came upstairs and I never saw her come down, so I was confused....
Anyway....I knew the message was probably important to a sign I was supposed to see, considering I was asking for answers...

Jasmine Downstairs=424(FB) and 246

Even crazier is that as I'm typing this all the sudden I just seen a crazy bolt of lightning out the window...I didn't even know it was storming or supposed to storm...it's been too cold to storm really...so weird as hell a big lightning bolt would light up my house. 

It's just odd to me.....after my uncle Barney died and the Umbrella symbolism there was a big push to make me think everything was Jesus...and then the big connection to the Angel Gabriel...and now here it it again. 
Be interesting to see if I DREAM anything tonight...

Plus, tomorrow is 10/12....the big number with Gabriel that was connected to my Uncle Barney, the book of Daniel, Knights of Columbus and such..

Thinking about it too....this means they removed the Umbrella video exactly 11 years after I put the Music Video that got age restricted on YouTube....Think how the Car Crash stuff was 11 days after the NYC Truth Rally on 9/11.....9/11 all about the number 11...
Today is the 11th of October
I was born in the 11th month..
I'm not sure when I put the Umbrella video on YouTube, but I finished making it on 9/30...so 11 days before today..

1 comment:

  1. My next birthday is in 318 days (God number) and today I wrote the word "God" under my daily numbers. From the date 11/10 to the end of the year there are 81 days (9*9=81) God Number=99
