Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Angela Lansbury Dead At 96-Mary Poppins/Umbrella-424-226


I'm telling you.....About everything I click on is connected to the number 226 lately..
Angela Lansbury=226

Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury=424
I swear I had a blog post about her and something to do with "Dame" in front of her name....I can't find it though...maybe it was from an old video, before I had a blog though...

Murder She Wrote=186

Nothing else stands out out her death to me except she was 96, like Queen Elizabeth II..
186 the Umbrella Number..
She was also the Balloon Lady in "Mary Poppins Returns"...
Mary Poppins...Umbrella...
Mary Poppins=322(FB)
Another 322 that goes with the Umbrella Symbolism..
Numbers I keep seeing...
I remember always seeing "Murder, She Wrote," but I don't recall ever really watching it as a kid. 

I'll have to think more about her after I get a chance to research her a little...sometimes it sparks my brain. 


  1. I immediately thought about Beauty and the Beast. Tale as old as time. She was Ms. Teapot. The Sagittarius constellation looks like a teapot. Still visible in the early evening. Lol, it's funny too cause this girl at my twins practice kept doing what looked like the I'm a little teapot dance and there was a tea kettle on the side of the road last week down from my father-n-law's house. Boston Tea Party. Was talking yesterday about this new business on my route Kimmi's Tea Room. Building number is 616 like JFK. My first gematria video was about 616. Anyways, I'm up now from a dream. Last thing was I was asking something "why are you hear?". It said "I don't want to be lonely:" who could argue with that.

  2. By the way it's Aleister Crowleys bday today. Original Columbus discovery date.

  3. Angel's daughter was a "Manson Girl" at 15, lol
