Friday, October 28, 2022

Synchronicity with Face of Jesus on a Tray at Work and Jay Leno Chicken Strip Memory on Facebook


This morning at work I went to YouTube and saw Zach had some video about a book that fell out while he was moving called "11"...I thought it was funny that I clicked on the video 11 hours after he made it....I then saw another book on the top in his video called "God Winked At Me," which I found interesting considering all of the God stuff recently. 
Anyway, a bit later, my co-worker Heather out of nowhere says, "Hey the dishes look like it has the face of Jesus on them." I didn't get what she was talking about at first, but after I ducked down to her height, I could see what she was talking about...I totally see a face in the black tray..although it looks more like Charles Manson than Jesus to me lol. 

Regardless, the odds that she would even say that, I found funny. I then started talking about how the tray was black and it's a more realistic Jesus than the white guy we are always shown...

I mean, when you really think about the white Jesus image that is always shown and then how his name wasn't even "Jesus"...doesn't it make you question the validity of it all? On top of how there are countless churches all over the world that teach about white Jesus, or Jesus in general....The Catholic Church, which we know is not a good entity, also pushes trains everyone about Jesus...
Then the Gematria and 74 stuff...
It seems to me that Jesus is the God they want us to believe in..
Then you think about satanic rituals and how you eat his body and drink his blood and whatnot...
Jesus connected to the Zodiac and often depicted with the Sun around his head...

Now lately, I'm having syncs with Jesus/God again...Reminding of the big push I felt in 2017 after my uncle Barney died to get me to follow Jesus/God...
There just seems to be something "Fishy"(Pun Intended) about it. I mean, there is obviously something greater going on in this world...but I cannot get myself to follow this God/Jesus narrative and just give my all to it, like many people I know...It just doesn't make any sense to me. As much as I want to believe that everything is God/Jesus like so many people I know do, I just can't. Too many unexplained questions. 
I have all the proof I need that something is trying to get me to believe everything is Jesus..but I'm not convinced that I should do so..I hope that makes sense.  

Anyway, a bit later while at work I got on my phone again. I went to Facebook and of course, the first thing that came up was a memory I had....the memory was a picture of a chicken strip I took that I said looked like Jay Leno...

Today is 6 months 1 day before Jay Leno's bday. 
So on..
He is currently 72 years old..
Chicken Strip=72

Plus, earlier this year I was blogging about Jay Leno in connection to Kanye West...and think how Kanye is in the news hating Jews and such...Plus, Kanye the big Christian now lol...and his other connections to Jesus...


  1. I suppose "everything is Jesus" in that there is "nothing new under the sun", From everything I have looked up, my mind is completely set that it's all based on ancient star myths, astrotheology, Once you see it, there is no denying it, Not to mention the names may be different but the "stories" of the "gods" are the same, It's just been rebranded over and over. Astrotheology makes sense of the biblical stories. Nature Worship basically. That being said, I am not an athiest. Everything is too perfect in nature to be an accident like a Big Bang. We are energy and the universe is energy. There has to be a source. When looking at the history of religions they were all "created" by Royals or the very rich. How can they be trusted, lol? Like who wants to follow the same religions as our "leaders" who are evil to the core? What ever they are praying to can not be good. The priests are the magicians using smoke and mirrors and magic wands. It's "The Greatest Story Ever Told".

  2. Dude you turn 5 pentagrams old tomorrow. Bet it'll be special.

  3. The day my heart chakra opened I was 12750 days old. Jesus Christ = 1275.

  4. This is a good read. There are many things written on the subject including Manly P. Hall has a lecture series on Astrotheology you can find on yt. In the book linked you'll even find out why "Jesus has hair of wool", which has everyone arguing about "black Jesus" when there wasn't even a white Jesus. (The sun moved to the sign of Aries.) Another successful division created by the over lords. It goes on even about the Holy Ghost being Virgo hidden by the sun and emerges again on September 9th, hence Mary's birth. This was written in 1881 so a day off may be due to that. Close enough to explain it anyway. The true/original seasonal stories of the ancients are actually beautiful then the priest craft co-opted them and personified it and made it ugly and nonsensical and scared everyone to Death while taking over the world using Christianity as the pretext. This story is the only argument they have for the power they have taken as "God's right".

  5. Not sure if the book link is clear but it's called "Religion in the Heavens; or Mythology Unveiled" by Logan Mitchell.

  6. This came up on my yt feed yesterday and I watched it. Great info and food for thought, not what you expect. It makes a lot of sense though. I went out not long ago and found Pleiades and I actually saw a "witch" go by just south from there :)

  7. Oh yea that's Randall Carlson I bet. I have that video on a playlist. The long version.

  8. Yea it is Randall Carlson, I like some of his stuff. His sacred geometry is good. I would love to see the long version. Where did you find that? While watching this, I couldn't help but think of the timing of Jerry Lee Lewis' death.

  9. The one you shared covers the same things I believe. "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE"?
