I got a spammed message on an old blog post today...I went to the blog post and notice I wrote it on 8/24...8...24...Kobe..
Leading up to Kobe's death I covered a bunch of stuff that was important to the date of 8/24 as well.
Anyway notice this blog post I mentioned the number 243 a bunch..
Kobe Bean Bryant=243
She won the Powerball on Kobe's 39th bday...
39 has been important to what I recently documented about with the Duck theme, Nike, Michael Jordan...
They commented at 5:19am which is funny considering the Duck theme stuff really began on 5/19 with Sam.
Mavis Wanczyk=157
Kobe Bryant=41 and 157
8/23 to 1/26 is 157 days.
Also today at work I saw a thing about the Simpsons predicting Kobe's death. Of course when you click on it, there is no such thing...but it made me look up Kobe and the Simpsons..
The only episode he was on was "The Falcon and the D'ohman". Remember this episode was important to the Miami Dolphins stuff and the death of my uncle Barney. This was also important to Andrew Luck who retired on 8/24...
Barney's wife Betty went to the hospital today too. Not sure what's wrong with her, but her brother found her laying on the floor by the bed this morning.
Today is 3 years 18 days after Barney died....remember the number 318 and GOD/Touch was important around the time of his death....This also means tomorrow is 3 years 19 days after his death....319....
Funnier yet is when I looked at my old blog post about the Falcon and the D'ohman, I mentioned how it aired after the 166th episode of Family Guy...166 important to Barney stuff as well...
Notice the episode is about the Griffins winning the Lottery...think about that in regards to the spammed comment on the Powerball post...Also last night I went to the casino with my parents and Jasmine, and I won $530....
Remember Betty also won $250,000 on a lottery ticket. This was not long after Barney went and saw Pope Benedict in Washington DC.
Needless to say I bought a powerball tonight with Kobe numbers lol.
Before I won last night I noticed that I had won $2.10 on a spin, and I am telling you...everytime I see the number 210 at the casino I hit the bonus game within the next $20....most of the time it barely pays anything, but it's happened a ton of times that I don't think it's a coincidence.
Also remember how the episode of the Simpsons everyone is saying predicted the 49ers to win the Super Bowl is Season 10 episode 12. This episode was majorly connected to my uncle Barney...
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