Robert Pattinson finally revealed in a the Bat suit on 2/13/2020.
91 days before his 34th bday.
Robert Pattinson=91
Interesting too..."The Batman"=159
Donald Trump=159
The Dark Knight=215
Think about Twilight in regards to Aurora's as well. They aren't the same thing, but can create similar colors in the sky.
ReplyDeleteThe Contagion/Legacy/Cataclysm/No Man's Land
Expert Chemist that uses weaponized props and toxins
Death and Resurrection
Goddess of Dawn
Mother of Sol and Luna
Mother of the Winds
God of Dusk
Aurora = Geomagnetic Storm
Corona Borealis (Northern Crown)
Duluth = Northern End of the World
Duluth Minnesota
(The Zenith City)
Zenith = Celestial sphere directly above an observer
Home of the Twin Ports
Superman raised in Kansas
Kansa = people of the South Wind
Kansas = 34th state
Seal of Kansas
Ad Astra per Aspera
To the stars with difficulty
(Using the North Star to guide)
Polaris = North Star
In the Draco Constellation
8th largest constellation
Between Big/Little Dipper
Kobe = Black Mamba
Wilt = Big Dipper(Great Bear)
Garoppolo = Snake on Native American Zodiac
Mahomes = Bear on Native American Zodiac
Wilt played at Kansas
Kobe final 2 choices if he played college ball (Kansas/Duke)
Would have chose Duke
8 weeks before Event 201
8/23 (Kobe's d.o.b.)
8 weeks after Event 201
12/13 (patient zero)
100 days after Event 201
1/26 (Kobe's d.o.d.)
Now researchers believe Corona Virus came from snakes
The relationship between the Royal Family dates and Kobe and Wilt are synced throughout every important date. The reflections in dates are unreal. Kobe and Luke Walton are ridiculously synced. Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria seem to be most important.
The rabbit hole runs deep
Revelation/Rise of the Beast
"Thank God for the Rain from the Taxi Driver soundtrack. On endless loop." I thought that was an interesting quote given the Joker aesthetic.