Thursday, November 19, 2020

Queen Elizabeth II-King Charles III and the number 264- Some Jesuit/Royal Family History

I wrote this last night on 11/18....I must not have hit posting it now.  

On the way home from giving my girlfriend's brother a ride to work I turned on the Gematria Effect on my phone...the first caller who called in when I started listening was from Iowa, which I instantly felt connected too haha....It's rare to hear a person from Iowa call in, but I'm sure he probably lives in Eastern Iowa far away from me.....Anyway, he was asking about the Royal Family and the Jesuits....I wanted to comment in the live chat, but for some reason my phone doesn't even show a live chat to comment in...

I'm not going to write a bunch of stuff in this blog post, because I've mentioned much of the connection before....but I just typed in Queen Elizabeth II again when I got home and she has the connection to 264...James Bond/Sean Connery...Kamala Harris.....

White House=264(FB) too...

Queen Elizabeth II=264

King Charles III=264(FB)

Covid Nineteen=264(FB)

Elizabeth II=191

House of Windsor=191

Society of Jesus=191

Elizabeth II born on 4/21, which is the day Rome is believed to be founded. 

Elizabeth II's bday is 5 months 6 days before the Jesuit aniversary

Elizabeth became Queen on 2/6....which is Adam Weishaupt's bday...Jesuit.. and 132 days after the Jesuit anniversary..

King Henry VIII=191

He couldn't get a divorce because of the Pope...basically because after the "Sack of Rome"=56 on 5/6 in the year 1527 Pope Clement VII was scared of Charles V.....he was the nephew of Henry VIII's wife Catherine of Aragon...

 Much more...

Looking further into this though....Charles V was born on 2/24..."Sack of Rome"=164

Pope Clement VII died 1 month 10 days after the Jesuits were formed in 1534....Jesuit=110(FB)

Clement VII=220(FB)

Paul III=220(FB)(220th Pope who fully excommunicated Henry VIII)...Also the Pope who approved the Jesuits...

Maybe I have mentioned this before, but I'm just now seeing it again....Pope Paul III became Pope on 10/ Zach released his book on the same day Paul III became Pope in history...

Paul III died the same day as Martin Luther...which is also my bday and so on too...

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