Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Spamming on my old posts-Youtube view count-Lil Yachty comment

I keep getting spammed comments on this old post. 

I put it out on 3/26/16 which was the 86th day of the year. 
March Twenty Sixth=86

The video it's in regards to says it has 443 views. Interesting because 443 is the 86th prime. 
They are spamming about Football. If the Patriots win they will be 8-6 all time against the Falcons. 
Eighty Six=63
I put this video out on what is normally the 63rd day of the year. 

I get these spams 311 days after my blog post. Today was 31/1. 
In the video I talk about how Steph Curry's bday is 3 months 11 days before his father Dell Curry.... 3/14 to 6/25. 

I guess the spamming started on 1/16 as I'm looking at it. 

So it's 1 month 16 days before 3/4 which is the day I put my video out last year. 
Link to my Post on 3/26
I even mention 116 in this post....before this post I was talking about Scalia-Obama-Merrick Garland-Texas Judge shot outside of her home on 11/6...Obama announces Garland at 11:06 on 16/3...the 163rd day was 6/11...

The Warriors also beat the Cavs on 1/16 by 35 points. And also got their 35th win of the season. 

A big deal in the game was Green knocking over Lebron...Notice the Cavs had 35 points too. Ha funny I took the screen shot at 23 seconds too.  Lebron and Green both # 23. 
Kevin Durant wears # 35
In regards to Football "Tom Brady"=35

I also keep getting replies on this video I posted on a long time ago in regards to Kurt Cobain's death. Just interesting as I keep saying Nirvana was connected by the numbers to my Uncles death. Funny too remember my mom spelled my Uncles middle name wrong...Allan and it's Alan...In this post that's what I was talking about..El Duce said Allen killed Kurt then the next day he went to Al's bar in Los Angeles and was supposedly hit by a train and died just after that. I remember talking about this in one of my videos and saying not sure about the gematria because Allen was spelled different on different sources. 

It's on this documentary. 
Kurt & Courtney=191
Bernard Alan Murphy=191  died 191 days before his 64th bday. 

Funny too when talking about the death of my best friends brother and how it connected to my cousin Timmy wearing the Fred Flintstone outfit when I was Jesus...My cousin Timmy's middle name I found out is "Allen" and my best friends brother's middle name was "Allen". It was all connected to Saturn like crazy. 
Death of my Best Friends Brother-Saturn symbolism

I also just got a comment on a somewhat old video. The person seems legit but interesting Youtube says my video has 318 views. 

I also put this video out 119 days ago and I just got done posting about "Family Guy"=119 and what not. Who knows just wanted to document it. 

This person also replies to my newest Lil Yachty post today at 5:13pm. Of all the times I would get the message. My original Lil Yachty post was 5 months 13 days before SB 51...  January 31st  1/31 or 31/1....
Super Bowl=131
Whether this person is really a 15 year old kid or not they are related to what I am saying for whatever reason. 

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