Friday, February 25, 2022

Synchronicity with a Russian Wrestler on The Simpsons Season 2 episode 8-Florida-Melanie Safka


So I'm still sitting here on the couch but was talking to Jasmine and such, not really paying attention. I was still looking at why I had that Thanksgiving sync and then about 15 minutes later I randomly looked at the TV again to see what I thought was a Boxing Match....It's actually a Wrestling Match...So the next episode of The Simpsons, Season 2 Episode 8 begins with a wrestling match....

However, I still find this interesting because one of the wrestlers is the "Friendly Russian." 

Bart the Daredevil=1124(Jewish)

Reminds me that Thanksgiving will be on 11/24 this year. 

The episode mainly involves an Evel Knievel like character...

He died in Florida just like Marjory Stoneman Douglas......

Makes me think of the Russian video Nuking Florida. 

Recall that Casino/Gambling episode of the Simpsons involves Florida too. An episode I have had multiple syncs with. 

Simpsons=124 and 183(FB)


Just throwing this out there, but I was looking through notable people from Clearwater, Florida because that's where Evel Knievel died...I see this Melanie Safka lady was listed....It only stands out because we do a cover of her song, "Look What They've Done to my Song" in my band. I had no idea this lady was 75 years old haha, I thought it was just some middle aged folk singer that my friend Pat liked.  The name Safka comes from her father of UKRAINIAN descent. 


Melanie Safka=268(English Extended) and 218(Jewish)

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