Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Peacock Music Teacher at my School and the Jay Leno Show in Relation to the Death of Ed Asner-Kanye West


I'm reading the "In Memoriam" for the 2022 Oscars and it says they didn't pay tribute to a few important people....One of them sticks out big time to me though....

Ed Asner....

Recall that earlier today I mentioned how I thought the former band teacher at my school, Mr. Fett, was important. I mentioned how he was on the Jay Leno show.....but notice the segment that he was on was called "Does This Impress Ed Asner." 

To be honest, I had no idea who Ed Asner was, nor did I know that he recently died and should've been tributed on the Oscars. 

What I find even stranger is that Mr. Fett also got a student on the Jay Leno Show back in 2005. Believe it or not, I Djed her wedding on 8/28/21, which was the day before Ed Asner died. 

Megan was on Jay Leno 3 months 22 days before his bday and her bday is 3/22. 

Jay Leno was a defense witness for Michael Jackson in his 2005 Child Molestation case too...the same year Megan was on the show lol....the same year as Hurricane Katrina. 

Ed Asner died on Michael Jackson's birthday in 2021....Notice that Jay Leno also made Kanye West cry too. Apparently he asked Kanye what his mother Donda would have thought about his 2009 VMA's with Taylor Swift and Kanye started crying....

Well this is perfect because Kanye released his album "Donda" on 8/29/21, the same day that Ed Asner died lol. You Just can't make this up. 

Notice Ed Asner died 123 days after Jay Leno's bday. 

Kanye West=123



Ed Asner=123

8/29 is the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the day that Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans in 2021...

Donda has a song called "Hurricane" on it. 

Don't forget the football player named Will Smith who played for the Saints and died in New Orleans on 4/9/2016...this was just before PRINCE the singer died on Queen Elizabeth II's bday....4/9 is the day that Prince Philip died last year....The Fresh PRINCE of Bel-Air...

3/27 is the day in history that King James died...His bday was 6/19...the 114th prime. 

Plus the film "Focus" that involves the New Orleans Football game. 

In light of the the St. Peters Peacocks....the NCAA Championship game is in New Orleans on 4/4...

Will Smith=44

Bel-Air released on the 44th day. 

The Chris Rock Fresh Prince episode was the 126th episode. 

New Orleans=126

Zach even connected Ed Asner's death to Prince and Michael Jackson due to Prince's brother, Bruce Jackson, dying on that same day and place a few years ago. 

Mary Tyler MOORE....Demi MOORE

Michael MOORE was on the episode of Leno with Megan....

Moore hates George Bush....Think about Kanye and New Orleans. 

It's funny thinking about Emmy Rossum on that episode too....Think about Al Gore, Global Warming, and her film "The Day After Tomorrow." 

Ed Asner also shares a bday with Sam Moores. 

I'll look more at this tomorrow...For the life of me, I cannot find Mr. Fett's birthday....I do find it interesting that his name is Dennis Michael though, because my dads name is Dennis Michael Behrendt. 




Leno=62(FB) and 123(FB)

Kanye Omari West=62

Johnny Carson died on 1/23.....from Iowa...not too far from where I live. 

Chris Rock got coronavirus on Jimmy Fallon's bday...

So there is something with "The Tonight Show" on NBC that is connected...

Maybe pay attention to any late night show host too such as David Letterman...Conan O'Brien...

David Letterman=148 and 86

Michael Jackson died 2 months 19 days before the 2009 VMA's with Kanye and Taylor Swift...


This theme was linked to Freddy Krueger and Wes Craven dying...also the color Gray was important...

1 comment:

  1. Today the Royals are having a Memorial for Prince Philip. 3 weeks 3 days before the Queen's birthday and 74 days before his, 11 months 3 days after his death. He dies on the 99th day of the year and his memorial is on the 88th.
