Monday, March 14, 2022

My Daughters Synchronicity with Potatoes and Barack Obama Testing Positive For Coronavirus


I haven't really been on the computer today aside from an hour or so when I wrote the blog post involving Keifer Sutherland earlier...

In that blog post I mentioned how on the show "24" the former black president gets assassinated. I just think it's funny that I just got on the computer again and there is a story that the former black president, Obama, has coronavirus. 

Further, today is Pope Francis' anniversary of being the Pope and notice it's also 144 days before Obama's bday. 

Recall that 144 is important to the Pope and presidents..

JFK met the Pope 144 days before he was assassinated. 

Abe Lincoln shot on 14/4.

Trump met Pope Francis on the 144th day. 

So on..

What else I find funny is that my daughter was telling me that she had a synchronicity with Zamien a little bit ago too. Just before seeing this Obama story I was trying to figure out her sync...

Apparently, she asked Zamien to go to the kitchen and get her a spoon and instead he brought her 2 Potatoes. So she told him again to get a "SPOON." Then right as he left the room the YouTube video she was watching had a secret word, and she found out the word was "Potatoes." I don't know what the video she was watching was though, so I can't measure it's release date and such, but I figured I would just see what the Gematria of Potatoes was and how far away from their bdays today is..

I saw that..


So now I'm seeing this Obama story and I have to laugh because I know that Obama has a connection to this number as well. Plus, it was also important to Joe Biden's meeting with Pope Francis..

Barack Obama=456(FB)

Biden met Pope Francis 456 days after Trump. 

All the other Stock Market stuff and 456. 

Spoon=111(FB) and 105(FB)

Potatoes=111 and 105

Zamien James Behrendt=105


Lincoln died on the 105th day of the year. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio=105 and 111


Zamien Behrendt=144 and 72...

Today is the 72nd day of the year. 

Squid Game and 456 too...and Squid Game came out on 9/17, which leaves 105 days in the year. Squid Game came out 64 days before Biden's bday..."Joe Biden"=64...Kamala born in 64' when Herbert Hoover died..

Zamien's birth was also very connected to the Jesuits. 

Zamien's bday is 201 days before 8/6. 

Zamien's bday is 1/17, which is also Michelle Obama's bday. 


Today is 221 days after Obama's bday.

Barack Obama=221(Eng Ext)...a cipher that usually shows me I'm on the right track with sycnhronicities. 

It's funny with all of the Train Symbolism going on....That was important to 2015, which another big thing we talked about in 2015 was the possible assassination of Obama. In relation to 9 Days or Nine Days, Obama was all about this symbolism..

He sang Amazing Grace 9 days after 9 people got shot at the Charleston Church. He also did this 9 months 9 days before 4/4, which is the day the 9th president, William Henry Harrison died. Also, Abe Lincoln's DREAM that he would die on that day. Obama the 44th president. 

Obama was 9 presidents after JFK and could have become the 9th president to die in Office..and the first president to die in office was the 9th. 

Pope Francis went to the White House and met Obama/Biden on 9/23, which leaves 99 days in the year. 

It's also interesting that the TV show "24" had 192 episodes with the finale airing on 5/24/2010....

5/24 is the 144th day.

Zamien James Behrendt=192


Possibly it's a stretch but Zamien is 4 years old and Claire is 11 years old. My dad has recently been important again and his bday is 4/11....this number makes me think how JFK was assassinated at 411 Elm Street....Think about Elm Street in relation to Freddy Krueger and DREAMS.

My Tiger Train Synchronicity Post on 8/6/21 also involved the Titantic and Icebergs....Now that I think about...Lincoln died on 4/15 which is the day the Titanic sank as well. 

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