Sunday, March 27, 2022

House Fire Related To My Cameron and Kameren Syncs and my Old Blog Posts Today


I was scrolling through Facebook a bit ago and I saw this gofundme shared...
Apparently, my daughter's friends house burnt down today. This is the 2nd time a house in the area has burnt down recently too, which I find odd, cause I can't think of very many times this has happened in my lifetime..

Anyway, the page was set up by the older brother of the family named Kameren...Think how I've had the recent syncs with Cameron..
I then remembered I had a synchronicity with Kameren a long time ago when Alan Thicke died and I connected it to Kirk Cameron...
It's funny too as the sync involved my boss spelling his name as Kamern...and I made fun of her for spelling Cameron wrong...but I now see why she made the mistake....He really does spell his name close to how she wrote it..I just assumed it had to be Cameron and not Kameren...Never seen it that way before.

Kirk Cameron is currently 51 years my Alan Thicke post I pointed out how the 51st episode of Growing Pains was missing on Wikipedia...and I thought it was connected to the upcoming Super Bowl 51 at the time..

Alan Thicke died around the same time as the Reverse Gematria stuff with Jeopardy and my Uncle too...
Recall that 1012 and 166 were big numbers with that narrative, and notice today is 166 days after 10/12, which is Kirk Camerons bday.

Kirk Cameron=318(Jewish)
The God number that was also important at this same time period.
The 51st episode..
A Star Is Born=318(FB)

Kameren and Kirk Camerons bdays even separated by 51 days. 

Today is even a span of 5 months 1 days after the anniversary of the 51st episode releasing.

I DJed last night too, and I find it funny that I had to announce Happy Birthday to a guy named Kirk....They wanted me to play We Wish You A Merry Christmas for him too, cause he hates Christmas music....just thinking how Alan Thicke died just before Christmas..

Today is also the 86th day and a span of 8 months 6 days before Kameren's bday..

I also recently mentioned that Golf team dying reminded me of my best friends brother Kirk who died...I was watching for Houston the basketball tournament and they got knocked out yesterday..
But...they lost on the Feast Day of the Angel Gabriel...3/26...think how Gabriel was important to when I realized the Houston connection.

No doubt I am supposed to see something from the old posts/syncs with this..

The other house that burnt down recently was on 11/23/21....the 327th day of the is 3/27

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