Thursday, March 3, 2022

New South Park Season 25 Episode 4 Is About Vladimir Putin and HORSES-Simpsons and Family Guy Vladimir Putin and Horses

When I got off work today Jasmine wanted to go eat at Ada J's about 20 minutes away. So around 6 we loaded the kids and went over to eat. There wasn't a whole lot of people there but a guy I went to high school with was there getting an order to go. As he was leaving he stopped and talked to me for a second and mentioned how he was gonna go home and watch South Park. I then realized that I didn't watch the new episode that came out yesterday, so I figured I would watch it when I got home. South Park has always been my favorite show and I've blogged about it multiple times, and I'm surprised I forgot to watch it last night...but in my defense I didn't get home until about 1am. 
Anyway, I just started watching it and of course, the episode is all about Horses, it even has Vladimir Putin riding a horse in the episode...

Right after they show Vladimir Putin it then goes to an Equestrian Facility where a bunch of kids are riding horses. 
It's just crazy with as much as I've talked about the Horse Theme and now even South Park is in on it...almost like they read my blog to make this episode. 

Funnier yet to me is that the episode is based on Butters having to beat the Russian kid in the Horse contest....Notice the Russian kids Father is named DAN Solokov....Considering my name is DAN it really makes me wonder...
You find out at the end the kid is named "Davey"..
Dan Solokov=254(FB)
Dan Behrendt=254(FB)
Daniel Edward Behrendt=254(FB)
Season 25 Episode 4. 
This episode even came out a span of 254 days before my bday. 
South Park=129 and 39
Butters=167(FB)..the 39th prime. 
Equestrian=129 and 167(FB)

Further, the big Horse Theme number is 219 and notice the episode came out 219 days before Vladimir Putin's bday..
Also, 7 months 5 days. 
World War III=75

I should also note that "Cow" kept coming up for me today...For example, Heather brought Deer Jerky to work today and I told her that I don't like it. It just isn't the same as Jerky from a Cow...I then got the Nirvana song "Mr. Moustache" in my head and even played it on my phone because a lyric is "Yes I eat Cow I am now Proud." 
A bit later I had to go pick up Zamien from pre-school and then come back to work...but for whatever the reason I looked at my license plate and realized the letters are "Kow"..and I thought huh...Cow again...
Now watching this South Park episode I see the banner in the background of a Cow because South Park's mascot is the Cow..

South Park was connected to the PIG Year in 2019 and China too. 
Also, the Ginger COW episode...

After I played Mr. Moustache I then changed it to "Eighties" by Killing Joke because the main riff sounds like Nirvana's "Come As You Are." I was trying to fake the girls at work out and see if they thought it was "Come As You Are." They weren't paying attention though...but moral of the story is that I noticed in the video they have the Soviet Union Flag in the Background...I guess it's fitting for the 80's and such but funny I would just notice it today. 

Cold War=128(FB)
Dan Solokov=128
Been seeing this a lot..
All of this Russia stuff is probably where the Jeff Bezos/Austin Powers Moon stuff fits in as well. 
Plus we have the Rocket that's going to hit the Moon on 3/4, the same day "The Batman" comes out. 

I figured since the Family Guy with Vladimir Putin also involved horses that I would look to see if "The Simpsons" had any episodes with Putin in them. Of course, Putin is only shown on a Simpsons short called "Homer Votes 2016"...
Notice Vladimir Putin rides a Horse in this short though...
What are the odds they would all depict him with a horse though, even if he does love horses? They couldn't think of a better plot than him on a Horse? 

Another interesting thing is that Butters plays a big role in this episode and notice his bday is 9/11.....Think how 9/11 is the 254th day and how it's related to Skull and Bones with that number too. 

Butters is also Professor Chaos...
Ginger Cow...Tisha B'Av...9/11.....8/6/22. 

It's funny they also include a Boxing referee at the very end when the Russian kid falls off his horse....Boxing...Rocky..


  1. The ref counts down backwards from 10, like the counting down to blast off of a rocket.
