Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Russell Wilson traded to Denver Broncos and the Horse Symbolism


I've been talking about the Horse symbolism like crazy and how it's synced to Super Bowl 48 when the Broncos lost to the Seahawks....Now we get a story of Russell Wilson being traded to the Broncos lol..
This is probably part of the reason South Park did the recent episode about Horses too. 
South Park is in Colorado and a majority of the town is a fan of the Broncos. 
Today is 3/8..
Colorado the 38th State. 

Today is 3 months 8 days after Russell Wilson's bday and also 38 weeks before his bday. 
The Super Bowl 48 Season was also the Seahawks 38th season in the NFL. 
It was also the 94th season of the NFL...
Neptune=94 and 189(FB)
Wilson's bday is 11/29....`1129 is the 189th prime. 
Neptune the God of Horses. 
Seattle, Washington=94

The other big news today was that Aaron Rodgers is staying in Green Bay..
Notice he is 38 years old. 
Plus, Russell Wilson played college at Wisconsin. 

Think about Demaryius Thomas who died on 12/9. 
Green Bay=129(FB)

Today is even 38 days after 1/29. 

I should also point out that the Broncos won Super Bowl 50 that was on the 38th day of the year. 
They beat the "Panthers"=38

John Elway's bday is 154 days apart from Wilson's..
Denver Broncos=154
Elway was born in Port Angeles, Washington. 

Demaryius Thomas died age 33 in connection to Super Bowl 33 with the Broncos and Falcons...Just wondering considering Wilson is 33 years old. 
Super Bowl 48 was on the 33rd day of the year. 

I have a feeling that this is somehow related to the Train wreck symbolism as well....
Think how the Trainwreck shooting was on 7/23(Neptunalia)...then we had Pope Francis go to the White House later that year on 9/23....9/23 is the day Neptune was discovered. 

We also had death of Dan Reeves and Greg Robinson in the past few months...Reeves was important to my Uncle Barney dying in relation to the Jesuits and SB 33...His bday was 7/23. 

I'm pretty sure this part of the reason why we got the "Bel-Air" show the same day as Super Bowl 56 too....The "Phil" theme was important leading up to Super Bowl 48...and Uncle Phil/James Avery died. 

It's funny to me that this would be on 3/8 as well, because if you go back and watch my video about Neptune and Super Bowl 48 it was all about the number "8"....Back then I would have said that 38 is three 8's or 888. 

1 comment:

  1. Wilson born on the 333rd day of year and a 3rd round draft pick that wears #3.
