Sunday, March 6, 2022

2015 Philadelphia Train Wreck Operator Brandon Bostian Found Not Guilty on the same day "The Batman" released

How funny is this...We get a story about the 2015 Philadelphia Train operator, Brandon Bostian" being found not guilty on 3/4/2022...
For one, why in the world did it take almost 7 years for him to be found not guilty...
For two...what are the odds we get this story on the same day "The Batman" releases? 
Recall that the Philadelphia Trainwreck was linked to the Trainwreck Theater Shooting that was linked to the Batman Theater Shooting. 
It's also interesting that I have been mentioning the Dream Theme lately and recall back in September the Dream Theme led me to see their was something important to the 2015 Philadelphia Trainwreck..I then had the sync with my book being made in Middletown, Delaware and the Trainwreck symbolism...

 I wondered if we would get another trainwreck, a volcano eruption, or a theater shooting...then we got the Jopin, Montana Amtrak derailment the next day...then a Hawaii volcano eruption....

We then got a Tuscon Amtrak shooting, some guy raping a girl on a train...then on 10/30 a story of a man dressed as the JOKER stabbing people on a train in Japan. 

 We also had the story about the racist Anti-Asian attack on the Philadelphia Train. (Think about Joker/Japan Story). This story was next to a story about Elijah McClain and Aurora, Colorado too...We recently had the Aurora Church Shooting..

Joe Biden also joked about Amtrak at Bob Dole's funeral....This really makes me think...because my dream theme seemed to be pointing to the date 6/4 with the dream I had about the Psychic Ladies husband Daniel dying on 6/4. 
Joe Biden=64
My Uncle Mike died the same day as the Philadelphia Trainwreck in 2015...His bday was 6/4. 
The Philadelphia Trainwreck was 219 days before Pope Francis' bday..
219 was important to Kamala Harris and the Simpsons recall how Biden fell up the stairs and I fell down the stairs at Sturgill's house...Sturgill shares a bday with Biden and went to the Batman film in 2012 with me...

Even my recent post about my canceled ski trip involved the train symbolism and the 2015 Philadelphia trainwreck. 

A lot of this had to do with Queen Elizabeth II and the date 10/6 as well...Plus, Michael Jordan/Philadelphia stuff is also linked to 10/6 and Philadelphia...
Interesting that the 2015 Amtrak had 238 passengers and was Amtrak 188..
Michael Jordan=238
Michael Jeffery Jordan=188
Recall that the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Finals in 2015 synced to the Philadelphia Trainwreck and the film "Trainwreck" that came out 122 days later..
Golden State Warriors=243
In relation to Horses/Neptune...the Trainwreck shooting was on 7/23, or Neptunalia. 

I also talked about the Joplin Amtrak derailment and how it reminds of the Joplin Tornado...just interesting considering we go the mainstream story about the tornado that killed people in Des Moines, Iowa...Of course, Des Moines is important to Donald Trump/Slipknot and the Batman narrative..

We also had the Corona, California Theater Shooting on 7/26/21 that was 221 days before "The Batman" released..
Aurora, Colorado=221

James Eagan Holmes=148
Brandon Bostian=148
So on..

Gonna try and find "The Batman" later, but I gotta go pick up Claire now.

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