Tuesday, March 29, 2022

House Fire Story In Relation to the Fire Outside My Neighbors House in December-8/6/22-Cameron/Kameren/Kameran-Queen Elizabeth II


So the craziness continues with this House Fire story. 

A few weeks back my neighbor Maci, who is also a girl my friend Sturgill hangs out with, was telling me that while she was bartending a guy was being crazy weird one night. He was bitching about a bunch of stuff and saying that he was a Freemason, so he should get a beer and things like that. There was more to it that I can't remember, something about some game with Lights....but anyway, they know I'm into this knowledge and asked me about it. I told them that he was probably just drunk and not all Freemasons are bad and whatnot, but thought it was interesting. 

Well it turns out that the guy she was talking about, is the guy who burnt down this house. What's even crazier is that I DJ'ed in Charter Oak on Saturday 3/26 into 3/27 and this guy was the first person I saw. He was leaving while I was loading my stuff in and started talking to me about music. He told me he used to play in the South, I can't remember where he was from though....He then told me that he was leaving, but he would be back and that he wanted to get my number so we could jam sometime. It's just crazy because I have never met this guy before and he would be the guy that she was talking about, and then burns down a house...

Notice his bday on 8/11/86 though....

This instantly makes me think that what I keep saying about 8/6/22 is significant. Recall that 8/11/2019 was the important Tisha B'Av event and this year Tisha B'Av falls on 8/6. The date 8/6 is important to 9/11 that is important to Tisha B'Av. 

Crazier yet, is that today at work while I was telling my co-worker about the Peacock stuff, my boss brought me this order....To add to this, I only made 2 pizza orders today and one of them was this one. 

My boss took the order, but notice the name.."Kameran." I thought for sure it was the Kameren from my previous post because of the way she spelled it. It turned out to be another kid that I know named Cameron Muff. 

So as I'm thinking about this, Sturgill tells me that it's crazy because Maci is going to move into the apartment next to Cameron Muff soon too. He then says that he's not gonna go there cause it might blow up lol....After following this for years though, I doubt anything happens to them. The signs usually just use certain things in my life to help me understand the pattern. 

Sturgill then reminded me that a few months back there was that random fire late at night that I blogged about. Recall that my girlfriend was on the porch smoking a cigarette and came up to tell me that the neighbors yard was on fire. Well that fire was across the street from where Maci lives right now. 

We noticed that fire around 11:30pm on 12/1..so by the time I put it out it was most likely around midnight on 12/2....regardless, I came back after putting it out and finished my blog post on 12/2....Remember that 12/2 is Kameren Park's bday. He is the reason I even saw this house fire to begin with and the son of the families house that burnt down. 

Recall that 3/27 is the 86th day of the year. 

3/27 is a span of 8 months 6 days before 12/2. 

Charter Oak, Iowa=86

The fire starter born in 8/6 synced to the 8/6/22 narrative I have been following. 

All I can think of is Fire in relation to Vulcan, the god of Fire and Volcanos...Recall too that my daughters bird named Queenie died in relation to Charter Oak back in October/November....Prince Philip's death all about Vulcan and Volcanos. 

Remember the Ghost Ship fire was also on 12/2 in 2016...and it was synced to the Volcano symbolism I was following just before Prince Philip died. 

San Francisco=122

Train Wreck=122

Pope Francis=122

In light of all my recent 416 posts....I am Djing in Charter Oak again on 4/16/22.

I also find it funny that the only people that I have gave my book to for free were Maci, Sturgill and my parents. If I had the money, I would give them to everyone lol, but I was hammered one night and just gave them copies. 

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