Sunday, November 28, 2021

Locke & Key episode involving Drowning followed by an episode that begins with a PIG Dissection


So I've been trying to watch this show on Netflix called "Locke & Key" and finally watched a few more episodes today...the last episode I watched had a big Drowning Theme which I thought was funny but figured I would try and watch a few more episodes before I blogged about it...I just wanted to see if there was more to the storyline that would make sense to the Drowning Theme I've been mentioning.....I'm like stupidly tired right now too so I figured I would lay in bed and try and watch another episode and fall asleep...Of course, the very next episode starts off with a scene about PIG dissection..then the teacher leaves the classroom and this kid holds up his PIG and starts making Oink noises....
It's just hilarious to me that the next episode starts off with a PIG reference. 
I'll add more if I see anything else in this episode or further's not too terrible of a show and involves Magic Keys...I also find it funny that in the very beginning the dad gets murdered by a guy named Sam LESSER, reminding us of Magic too. 


  1. We're watching gravity falls and the pig eats a magic mushroom and gets real smart. Sounds like he's voiced by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and he uses a keyboard to talk which seems in poor taste because of Stephen Hawking. But then I think Stephen Hawking is a fairy tale just like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
