Friday, November 5, 2021

Building Collapse in Miami and Nigeria in relation to the Dream Theme and my Dad-France


In my video last night I realized that we are coming up on UFC 268 tomorrow on the 310th day of the year. I was talking about the importance of France with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the number 310....France seems important due to being mad about the Submarine deal with Australia and Australia was linked to the Buffy Syncs...

Anyway, while looking up UFC 268 I noticed that the main fighter is Kamaru Usman, who is Nigerian...This stuck out because we recently had the building collapse in Nigeria....Plus, Conor McGregor was linked to Slipknot/MGK and also France so I thought UFC may be important. 

The reason I thought this building collapse was important was because in 2018 when I was talking about Bridge Collapses, we then got the FIU Bridge Collapse. Enterthe5t4rz made a video just before this saying that he had a dream about a building collapsing before this happened and the only other prophetic dream he has had was about his Father was interesting because I had a dream about my father dying just before the FIU Bridge collapse.....then later in 2018 there was a bunch of Drowning/Father symbolism that was happening which I thought was connected to my Dad's Father, or my grandpa. I thought my grandpa would die when my dad was 63 years old but he ended up dying on 3/10/2020, which was 1 month 1 day before my dad turned 63. My uncle Clancy who died just after the FIU bridge collapse was in my dream about my dad though and he was synced to the number 624...after he died I learned a lot about the date 6/24 and many other connections to 624....this is why when we had the Miami/Surfside Condo collapse on 6/24/2021 I knew it was connected to the FIU bridge collapse and my dream...I also knew because the day before we got a story of a Pedestrian Bridge collapsing in Washington DC reminding us of the FIU Bridge Collapse. 

Think about this in relation to my recent DREAM connections too. 

After Kobe died  I also blogged about Nigeria in relation to Usman, Giannis and also Hakeem Olajuwon....I find this interesting because Hakeem's nickname is "The Dream." 

Hakeem Adbul Olajuwon=319


8/6/22 is the 319th day of the 229th year of the French Republic...

My dads bday is 8 months 6 days after 8/6/22...

Father=310(Engl Ext)

My dad's father died on 3/10. 

Father=130(FB) and 6/24(Rev Sum)

The Miami Building Collapse happened 130 days before the Nigerian Building Collapse. 

The Surfside(Miami) collapse happened 2 months 13 days after my dads birthday on 6/24..

Denny Behrendt=213

My Mom's bday is 1/30 and is a span of 2 months 13 days before my dads. 

My dads bday is 213 days before my bday. 

Notice how the Miami building collapse was 2 months 29 days before 22/9, which was the 229th anniversary of the French Republic and 2 months 29 days before Emmanuel Macron's bday..


The Buffy Stuff was important to 310 and 516....3/10 is the 5th month 16th day of the French Republic and 5/16 is the day leaving 229 days in the year. 

The Nigerian collapse was 1 month 10 days after the French Republic anniversary...this makes me think of France too..

Paris France=110

The Nigerian building collapse happened 5 months 16 days after 5/16. 

Nigerian collapse also happened a span of 130 days before 3/10...

The Father symbolism was also related to Priests and the Jesuits and notice that my dads bday is 5 months 16 days after the Jesuit anniversary...Also the FIU Bridge Collapse was 5 months 16 days after the Jesuit anniversary...

Notice that Zach also blogged about France in relation to the Nigerian building was 201 days after France and Nigeria begin repairing relations...

I find it interesting that the French guy that went to Nigeria was Franck Riester...only because my co-worker that it's Cancun right now has the last name Riester too.... April 14th is also Sarah Michelle Gellar's bday(Buffy). 

I also find it interesting that the Miami collapse was a 12 story and the Nigerian was a 21 story.....12/ how Emmanuel Macron is born on 12/21...

Denny Behrendt=2112(Squares)

In relation to Squid Game/Submarine/North Korea..recall that North Korea is connected to the Jesuit theme. 

Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron=2022(Trigonal)

Collapse...Joe Biden meets Pope Francis on the Stock Market crash anniversary..  6/24/2018 was Pope Francis 1929th day as Pope and Vatican City was founded in 1929 the same year as the Stock Market Crash. 

I'll think more on this....I also saw the psychic lady from Dream theme today. She was in the store. It's the first time I've seen her in a while too. 

I also had a sync with the Sons of Silence today....Apparently there was a fight at the bar last night and some guy got beat up by the Sons of Silence....everytime I think of the Sons I think of a particular guy and as I was thinking about him, he came in the store. I never see him at the store either as he doesn't even live in this town. I can't remember his full name though otherwise I would try and find him on Facebook for his bday and such. 

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne Orji from Nigeria. She has the exact same bday as Aaron Rodgers.
