Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Synchronicity today-Buzz Lightyear-George Clooney-Buzz Aldrin born on 20/1-Charles Duke to Moon 201 days after his bday

I literally have synchronicity all day long that I do not document about. It happens so often I don't have the time to look it all up. Anyway, I finally came upstairs and sit down tonight, and I went on Facebook. At first I was seeing all of these posts about Corona and Crown and then of course Facebook gives me a Crown Royal Ad to go with it....I then read the Talmud thing about Jews and the next thing I see is the words "remain calm" on another post. Just as I read "remain calm", the TV said, "everyone remain calm". 
The show on TV was Rick and Morty...season 2 episode 
5...right after this I looked at the TV and then it went to a Jewish guy talking too. 

Interesting it's season 2 episode 5 considering the film Outbreak came out exactly 25 years ago on 3/10 too. 

Get Schwifty=64
remain calm=64
Think about why this is important to Jews. 
My grandpa died a few hours ago. I was at my Dad's house and he told me his birthday is 5/14. I kept thinking this was interesting because it's the anniversary of Israel declaring it's independence...something I've talked a lot about in regards to the NBA/Kobe/Zion Williamson...
Donald Behrendt=126..reminding me of Kobe...
Notice the Rick and Morty episode came out on Kobe's bday in 2015 too. 

I'll document more when I find out more information.

Also today at work I was thinking about Claire being scared by the Elf's the other night. I was thinking about the Elfs coming to life and then my cousin Nicole walks around the corner and tells me people are calling her Buzz Lightyear. Apparently because her chin is big like Buzz Lightyears. So I'm thinking about Toys coming to life, and then my cousin is talking about Toy Story...
 Honestly it's only funny to me because I always thought Buzz Light year was voiced by George Clooney. It sounds an awful lot like him to me, and I think he even looks like George Clooney....I've recently mentioned Clooney....later in the day one of my coworkers even brought up the George Clooney Batman movie too. 
Apparently Buzz Lightyear is voiced by Tim Allen, which blew my mind when I got home. Anyway it said that Buzz Lightyear is named in honor of Buzz Aldrin, so I figured I would re-look at Aldrin...
Notice his birthday is 20/1, which couldn't be more fitting. 
I actually wrote about this in 2017, but I forgot all about it..
So Aldrin born on 20/1. 
Neil Alden Armstrong=201
Moon landing on 201st day of the year. 

Remember around the same time John Glenn died we had a story of Buzz Aldrin being hospitalized in New Zealand too. Aldrin said he was being quarantined while catching up on the Kardashians. 

Might want to keep an eye on these astronauts still living who landed on the moon. Notice Charles Duke walked on the moon 201 days after his bday..
Remember in 2018 I mentioned how I think one of these guys will die and then less than a month later Alan Bean died. 
Interesting too that Wiki tells us the are still living as of 20/1 of the year Aldrin's bday..
Buzz Aldrin=56
Clooney born on 5/6. 

Think about Tim Allen too in regards to his show "Last man Standing"....reminds me of Eugene Cernan..the last man standing on the moon. 

I also want to point out that Tom Hanks voices Woody in Toy Story...Hanks in the film Apollo 13. 


  1. WHO officially declared Covid-19 a "pandemic" today. The movie "pandemic" was released in the US on April 1, 1996,

    1440 days ago.

    1. There are 1440 minutes in a day.
      "Coronavirus", and
      "minutes in a day"

      equal 155 ordinal, and 56 in reduction.
