Just woke up and saw this story on CNN. It says 43 dead, but then when you click on it, it changes to 48 people.
Plane Crash=43...
Donald Trump=48
A lot of stuff going back to the year 48'.
This plane wreck story comes the same day we get a story of Donald Trump being "Time Person of the Year".
Today is 12/7...(Pearl Harbor Day)...which reminds us of planes attacking.
Remember Trump has been super connected to the Native American theme that was all about 127.
North Dakota=127
The Cubs beat the Indians in the World series on the 127th anniversary of North Dakota being a State...Much more.
Another reason I think it's connected to Trump is because of what CNN wrote here....
Pakistan about 190 million people.
Person of the Year=190
They then mention the airline suffered 3 fatal commercial crashes in 2010 killing 185 people.
Donald John Trump=185
It reminds me of the phrase..."Time Flies"..when you're having fun.
Time Flies=44
Today is 44 days before Trump Takes office on 1/20.
He will be the 44th person to be the president.
Forty Four=144
This story also comes the day after Trump says he wants to cancel Air Force one Order from Boeing..
He said it's going to cost 4 billion.
Four billion=61, 133
Forty Eight=61, 133
They also let us know Boeing's first presidential plane was used by FDR in 1943.
A big story in regards to the plane crash is the Pakistani Brad Pitt died.
Junaid Jamshed=47
CNN tells us he had almost 2.8 millions Facebook Fans. Pakistan=28
It reminds me of a post I made just a few days ago about the death of Jayaraman Jayalithaa.
She was in 28 movies with MG Ramachandran.
Amma=28(Her nickname).
Both of these famous actor/actress' have a JJ name? I never even put together the Jay...Jay in Amma's name until now either.
31st prime is 127
11th prime is 31?
JJ=120(English) which reminds me of the day the president takes over.
Illuminati=120, 48
Makes me think of JJ Watt and JJ Abram but who knows.
Born on 9/3 in the year 64'.
Synagogue of Satan=64
Do what thou Wilt=64
Thelema=64 they worship the number 93.
He was also born on 9+3+19+64=95
He died 95 days after his 52nd bday.
Six Hundred Sixty One=95, 257 (PIA Flight 661)
12+7+20+16=55....257 the 55th prime.
661 is the 121st prime number...(revelation=121)
CNN also tells us his last tweet showed pictures of...
"Heaven on Earth"=64
64 Servicemen also died at Pearl Harbor.
Ha just read Zach's blog as I'm looking through info typing this..
Synagogue of Satan=190=Person of the Year.
Ronald Reagan=329(Jewish)
Air Force One=329 (Jewish)
3/29 the 88th day of the year.
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