In regards to Princess Diana, isn't interesting we got this story on CNN today as well.
The end of the Diane Rehm Show.
Diane Rehm=50, 77
Seventy Seven=49, 85, 175
Diana Frances Spencer=85, 175
The Diane Rehm Show=85, 175
Diane Rehm born on 9+21+19+36=85
She was also born in 36'.
Princess Diana died age 36.
Remember Diana also born in 61' and died 61 days after her 36th bday.
Sixty One=41, 131
Prince Charles=68, 131
Thirty Six=53, 152
King Charles=53
Notice Diane Rehm is also 80 years old.
King Charles III=80
Diana Spencer=55
She would've been 55 years old in 2016.
Hey, Zach, gave you a big shoot out on Jeff Young show last night. Check this crap out.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZjM2YmNiBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5MTNfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1482630655/RO=10/
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